Dear Readers,
I have read many hundreds of submissions from all over the world since I took over the Editorship of Persimmon Tree from Nan Gefen in 2012. Some of the pieces (like Leslie Clark’s in this issue) have educated me; some have inspired me to try new things (see Mary Beth O’Connor); many have made me smile, even laugh out loud (as did Susan Lundgren and Judy Wells). Then there is sadness as you have written about love and loss.
Recently, as these topics cropped up again and again, my perspective has shifted. Literally. Where I used to identify with the daughters and sisters and wives who were grappling with aging friends and relatives, my feelings have crossed to the other side of the room. I found myself looking at the givers of love and care with different eyes, often identifying more with those they cared for. Realizing this was a surprise, but also useful.
As Joan Potter, in her piece, “Turning Elderly” says, I have gone from “the acceptable seventies to the unbelievable eighties.” I find that month after month, week after week, I have less and less energy. I know I will need to cut back somewhere and am trying to figure out where and when. These decisions will not be easy.
Happy New Year,
Sue Leonard
Excited to learn about this publication!
I’m so touched by the recent memoir, “In Another Closet.” It touched my heart with the sadness and grief felt by the writer.
When may I submit a poem?
I love this women’s magazine! I’ll be fifty-seven soon and can’t wait to get in the ‘big league’. Like you, I have shifted my perspective on many things as I grappled with the once ‘scary’ thought of turning elderly; I have begun to feel the energy waning and have begun contemplating upon which activities need cutting back and which ones befit my talent, time and energy level. I look forward to an exciting 2022 as bond with sisters from around the Caribbean who have found a safe home here at Persimmon Tree.
dear Sue, energy is not all, I’ve been very moved by your -yes wise- words, but we need you so much! Persimmon tree is a wonderful thing, I’m so glad everyone made it possible for it to go on!
You are a blessing to all of us women writers over 60 – a kind, wise, honest, and accepting voice – especially during a tumultuous time. Happy New Year to one special woman.
Your acceptance of my work has meant so much to me as I struggle with the issues of loss and abandonment. I hope that you will continue to welcome the writing of women over 60—or 70 or 80–as we all have so much to say. Thank you for the gift of Persimmon Tree.
Happy New Year to you Sue. I hope it will be a brighter one for all of us. Thank you for so eloquently addressing the reckoning that comes as we advance in age. And, yes, this is full of surprises! Deep gratitude, too, for your dedication to shining a light on women poets and writers over sixty.
Readers: Please join me in making a contribution today to sustain Persimmon Tree. Thank you.
uh oh! we love you and would miss you wise voice.