
Table of Contents

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Lois Ann Abraham    Day 72   (Fall, 2023)

Susan Adam    Sins of Omission   (Fall, 2014)

Opal Palmer Adisa    My Mother Taught Herself to Drive   (Winter, 2022)

Marie Anderson     Lunch Lady Sings the Blues  (Fall, 2019)

Susan B. Apel    And I Cannot Bear to Think About the Books   (Fall, 2017)

Judith Arcana    Eva Has Cancer   (Fall, 2015)

Jacqueline Ariail    First Date   (Winter, 2021)

Rita Ariyoshi     The First Kiss  (Summer, 2018)

Marcy Arlin     Flower Widows  (Fall, 2024)

Julia Ballerini     Gloria  (Fall, 2012)

Carolyn Banks     How I Personally and Perhaps Finally Broke Bad, and Yes, the Names Have Been Changed Because I Am Not Exactly a Dolt  (Winter, 2018)

L.S. Bassen    Portrait of a Rotary Phone   (Spring, 2015)

Anne Batzer     The Woman Next Door  (Spring, 2013)

Gillian Bennett     Snow  (Winter, 2013)

Lois Bassen    Mrs. Dalloway Isn’t Shallow   (Summer, 2011)

Connie Bedgood    The Hummingbird and Sam   (Winter, 2018)

Carol Bergman    The Bridge   (Winter, 2010)

Drema Hall Berkheimer    Gypsy Skirt   (Spring, 2010)

Terri Watrous Berry      Saint Natalie of the Too Soon Departed (Summer, 2024)

Liz Betz    To Love Andy   (Winter, 2015)

Rachel Biale    The Hungarians   (Spring, 2016)

Ann Boaden     Ripping Nails, Breaking Light   (Spring, 2022)

Ann Boaden      Felicity Dying (Spring, 2023)

Becky Boling      Birthday No. 61 (Summer, 2021)

Barbara McGillicuddy Bolton    Happiness Is… (Winter, 2019)

Barbara McGillicuddy Bolton    Sister Love (Summer, 2013)

Patricia Boomsma    Suspect (Summer, 2017)

Nancy Bourne    Memorial Mansion (Spring, 2014)

Nancy Bourne    Fading (Summer, 2018)

Mary J. Breen    A Criminal Menopause   (Summer, 2013)

Mary J. Breen    Finders Keepers   (Spring, 2017)

Julie Brickman    The Rampvan, the Skateboard and the Wheelchair   (Summer, 2017)

Linda Briskin, The Lost Libido (Winter, 2023)

E.M. Broner    Life’s Adventures   (Spring, 2007)

E.M. Broner    The Dancers   (Winter, 2016)

Perdita Buchan, Dog Wedding (Summer, 2024)

Melinda Burns    English Garden   (Spring, 2019)

Barbara Carey Assurance and Insurance (Spring, 2021)

Phyllis Carito Passing Fancy (Summer, 2022)

Renee Howard Cassese    Rose   (Summer, 2013)

Jean Cavrell    Early Bird Special   (Winter, 2007)

Ruth Charney    The Old Bag   (Summer, 2015)

Linda Chavez    The Vigil  (Fall, 2014)

Nancy Chek, Post Office (Winter, 2023)

Bell Gale Chevigny    Sometimes Glad, Sometimes Sorry: Eighty-two-year Inventory   (Winter, 2019)

Claire Chow    Birthday Celebration  (Fall, 2022)

Jennifer Clements    Contempt   (Fall, 2017)

Christie Cochrell     Child of Sky and Earth   (Spring, 2022)

Martie Collins    Relations and Friends   (Summer, 2013)

Melodie Corrigall    Helen   (Spring, 2017)

Carolyn Coyle    The New Director   (Summer, 2021)

Patty Dann    Lord Byron on My Phone   (Summer, 2017)

Elinor Davis The Broom Maker (Spring, 2024)

Judith Day    Royal Flush   (Spring, 2015)

Marilis Demirel    Raw Oysters   (Spring, 2023)

Joan Diamond    The Long View   (Winter, 2011-2012)

Rosanne Dingli, Joy Needs No Memories (Winter, 2023)

Rochelle Distelheim    Comfort Me with Apples   (Summer, 2012)

Louise A. Dolan, Lucky Bud (Summer, 2024)

Ann Doyle    A Tale of Two Lobsters  (Fall, 2013)

Jacqueline Doyle    Mary Most Contrary  (Fall, 2014)

Jacqueline Doyle    Charlotte’s Puzzle (Summer, 2018)

Tessa Dratt    Orphan   (Spring, 2010)

Susan Duke    The Rendevous   (Spring, 2020)

Rae Dumont    Dreamers   (Spring, 2024)

Susan Dworkin    The Powerhouse in Khuzestan   (Winter, 2007)

Susan Dworkin    Marty’s Version – A Monologue   (Fall, 2016)

Elaine Elinson    No Monument Stands   (Spring, 2024)

Jann Everard    The Neighbor Boy   (Winter, 2024)

Audrey Ferber    West Coast Swinger   (Spring, 2019)

Yvette Viets Flaten    Making Change   (Winter, 2024)

Kathleen Ford    Joan’s Counsel   (Winter, 2009)

Marilyn French    The Love Children   (Spring, 2007)

Ruth Gais    The Great Blue   (Fall, 2016)

Miriam Louise Gardener    The Night the Earth Shook   (Fall, 2010)

Roberta Hartling Gates    What Babysitters Do   (Fall, 2009)

Sharon Frame Gay    Seasons   (Summer, 2019)

Lynn Gazis    Leaving the Party   (Spring, 2024)

Carolyn Geduld    The Bad Thing   (Fall, 2019)

Donna Geer    Sometimes There Are No Words   (Fall, 2022)

Gail Fishman Gerwin    The Lost Child   (Spring, 2016)

Lakshmi Gill    Holy Fool   (Winter, 2014)

Gail Gilliland    Ramona the Starlet   (Summer, 2010)

Nancy L. Glass, MD    Socks for Lola  (Spring, 2024)

Emma Goldman    Reflections on Aging   (Spring, 2010)

J. Carol Goodman    What Happened to Ruth  (Fall, 2020)

Cynthia Graae Breakthrough (Spring, 2022)

Clynthia Burton Graham    Unlikely Arrow  (Fall, 2017)

KJ Hannah Greenberg    Returning Home to Die  (Fall, 2022)

Jo Anne Moser Gibbons Now You Don’t (Fall, 2024)

Rosalind Goldsmith SMH (Spring, 2024)

Anna Gotlieb The Unraveling (Spring, 2024)

J.F. Gross    If Not Now, When?  (Winter, 2021)

Anne Gruner    It Might Have Happened Otherwise  (Fall, 2023)

Linda Mary Guyette    The Long Way Around  (Winter, 2024)

Gilda Haber    The Man in the Mink Hat   (Summer, 2009)

Elaine Handley Hooked Up (Spring, 2021)

Judith Haran Forbidden Elegy (Spring, 2019)

Nancy Smith Harris Jury Duty (Winter, 2017)

Lois Marie Harrod    No. 2 Pencil   (Spring, 2016)

L. M. Harrod    That Mess of Pottage   (Winter, 2020)

Frances Hay    A Stake in the Future  (Summer, 2014)

Laura Davis Hays    Pride   (Winter, 2021)

Renée Henning    The Place of No Return   (Fall, 2022)

Rolaine Hochstein    The Scam   (Fall, 2009)

Norah Holmgren    Sunrise Over Dolores Park   (Fall, 2009)

Anne Hosansky    The Tree Child   (Summer, 2022)

Maureen Hossbacher     The View from Beach Plum Drive  (Summer, 2023)

Anne Hotta    The Visitor   (Summer, 2023)

Anne Hotta    Frank and Shirley   (Fall, 2023)

Faith Reyher Jackson    Window on Tomorrow   (Winter, 2008)

Gill James    Locker 13   (Summer, 2019)

Gill James    Grace and Simon   (Spring, 2023)

Linda Jane    Anna   (Winter, 2024)

Lorraine Jeffery   This Ain’t Nothin’   (Winter, 2016)

Teddy Jones    Spring Storms   (Spring, 2013)

Nell Joslin    The Wild Swans   (Winter, 2015)

Melanie Kaye / Kantrowitz    Walk on the Wild Side   (Fall, 2007)

Margaret Karmazin    Risk   (Winter, 2009)

Marilyn Ogus Katz    Witness to History   (Fall, 2016)

Debra Kennedy   The Marriage of True Minds   (Winter, 2022)

Sue Kesler   The Neighbors   (Winter, 2013)

Sheila Kinsella   Zoe   (Spring, 2023)

Gloria DeVidas Kirchheimer    The Ash Tree   (Fall, 2007)

Jill Koenigsdorf   Salve   (Fall, 2024)

Kerry Langan, The Ladies Grove (Winter, 2023)

Edith Lank    A Day in the Life   (Fall, 2016)

Jane Lazarre    Inheritance   (Spring, 2007)

Prudence Lev    Perky   (Summer, 2021)

Priscilla Long    The Rubble That Is the Past   (Summer, 2021)

Carol J. Luther    Play Pretties   (Spring, 2019)

Roberta Albom Liebler    Reluctant Sanctuary   (Spring, 2014)

Mary Lewis    A Good Session   (Summer, 2014)

Jayna Locke    Riptide   (Spring, 2024)

Catharine Lucas    Prize Day   (Summer, 2015)

Jan Maher    Turn, Turn, Turn   (Fall, 2010)

Vesna Main    Baking for Love   (Winter, 2016)

Vesna Main    A Woman in a Newsagent Shop   (Summer, 2024)

Linda Maki    Water   (Spring, 2021)

Jane Manaster    Intentions   (Winter, 2024)

Karen Mandell    Repotting   (Spring, 2012)

Melody Mansfield    Fertilizer  (Fall, 2015)

Elizabeth Mapstone    Singing the Serpentine Blues   (Winter, 2013)

Toni Martin    Sara and Us   (Winter, 2013)

Jacqueline Masumian    The Rehearsal   (Summer, 2019)

Susan Gene McCartney Train to Tozeur (Summer, 2020)

Nancy McMillan To the River (Fall, 2021)

Marion Menna    An Enormous Child   (Spring, 2009)

Ann Minnett     A Temporary Guest  (Summer, 2023)

Charlotte G. Morgan    Prehistoric Heart   (Winter, 2018)

Jill J. Morin    All That I Carry   (Winter, 2024)

Hallie Moore     The Unemployed Nymph and The Glass Ceiling   (Fall, 2012)

Charlotte Morgan    What? Tell Me, What?   (Winter, 2020)

Elizabeth Morris    Wrack Line   (Fall, 2008)

Megeen R. Mulholland     Diana Disrobes  (Fall, 2023)

Joyce H. Munro     Be Jubilant My Feet   (Winter, 2018)

Carol Nadell In His Own Time (Summer, 2018)

Kathryn Nasuti  Cabbage Roses (Winter, 2011-12)

Joan Newburger A Bad Day in the Promised Land (Winter, 2017)

Lesléa Newman Maidel (Spring, 2017)

Lalita Noronha    Indelible Lines   (Summer, 2010)

Mary Beth O’Connor House Guests (Winter, 2022)

Katharine O’Flynn    When the Time Comes   (Summer, 2017)

Lucie Ogilvie    Damaged   (Fall, 2011)

Linda Barrett Osborne Losing Sal (Fall, 2024)

Denise Osso    Likes to Talk Politics, Loves to Read Poetry   (Spring, 2023)

Charlotte Painter    Rings   (Spring, 2008)

Diane Payne    Old School   (Summer, 2023)

Rose Perlmutter    Pot Roast   (Summer, 2012)

Joyce Pfeiffer     Predator   (Fall, 2015)

Graziela Pimental    Aunt Rose   (Winter, 2015)

Rita Plush     Can We Talk?   (Fall, 2012)

Nancy Werking Poling     Afterlife   (Spring, 2020)

Judie Rae     A Commitment to Change   (Spring, 2014)

Joy Rathgeb     The Proper Way to Prepare Conch   (Fall, 2013)

Jude Reese     The Third Chakra at Gate 26   (Summer, 2022)

Martha Kilgore Rice    Furthermore, She Had Never Read Anais Nin  (Fall, 2012)

Barbara Ridley     Double Latte   (Spring, 2022)

Susan Robbins    A Breath Away   (Spring, 2009)

MJ Roberts    Stick Figures   (Spring, 2013)

Kathleen Rollins It Doesn’t Matter What You Say. Babies Just Like the Sound of Your Voice (Fall, 2018)

Sarah Rossiter    Where Will All Come Home  (Fall, 2013)

Martha Roth    Grandma Season   (Spring, 2008)

Eleanor Rubin Rete Mirable (Spring, 2020)

Sara Kay Rupnik    A Study of Light   (Spring, 2011)

Lenora Salvucci    Bless the Child   (Winter, 2012)

Kathleen Sampson    Eggcitement   (Fall, 2022)

Betty J. Sayles    Self Defense   (Fall, 2013)

Janice Lynch Schuster    Glitter and Dust   (Summer, 2024)

Carol Scott-Conner    A Life of Flames   (Fall, 2010)

Florida Scott-Maxwell    From The Measure of My Days   (Fall, 2009)

Hollis Seamon    The Trojan Cat   (Spring, 2012)

Bonnie Sedgemore    Buying Love   (Summer, 2014)

Moira Sauvage    The Summer Deck / La Terrasse   (Summer, 2014)
En reprise The Summer Deck / La Terrasse (Spring, 2022)

Mimi Schwartz    Fix-It Fantasy   (Winter, 2018)

Lynne Shaner    Rush Hour   (Summer, 2024)

Kathryn Shaver    The Armoire   (Summer, 2009)

Deborah Shouse    Beyond the Dunes   (Winter, 2010)

Eva Silverfine    Midnight Stroll   (Fall, 2024)

Alice Simpson Eldridge Street, 1902 (Fall, 2021)

Barbara Smith    The Heir   (Summer, 2014)

Louise Smith    Heartsong’s Mother   (Fall, 2008)

Eleanor Fay Snyder    Of George  (Spring, 2021)

Julia C. Spring River of Women (Winter, 2017)

Carol Solomon    Heartache  (Fall, 2014)

Julia Sommer    Clippings   (Winter, 2014)

Lois Spencer    Unfamiliar Places   (Summer, 2022)

Lois Spencer    Sea Change   (Summer, 2024)

Kat St. Claire    Dora’s Notebook  (Fall, 2024)

Christine Stewart    A Good Tradition   (Winter, 2013)

Darlene D. Stickel    Fred and Her Big Gift   (Fall, 2020)

Liz Strachan    Holding on with Love   (Fall, 2007)

Margaret J. Swanson    Two Goddesses and a Child: An imagined incident on ancient Crete   (Fall, 2023)

Eleanor Swent    Crape Myrtle   (Fall, 2018)

Kathryn D. Temple    5D   (Summer, 2023)

Ann G. Thomas    Mrs. Brown   (Spring, 2011)

Susan Thomas    The Occupation of Magdalen House   (Spring, 2023)

Ann Tracy    Quiet Girls, 1960   (Winter, 2016)

E.C. Traganas    Chopin Unraveled: Valldemossa, Winter 1839   (Fall, 2023)

Edna Troiano    The Secret in the Old Trunk   (Spring, 2016)

Lorain Urban Corpora Caelestia (Winter, 2017)

DeEtte Beghtol Waleed    On the Bridge   (Spring, 2014)

Diana L. Walters    The Way of the Sparrow   (Winter, 2019)

Lucy Warner    Drowning Kittens   (Spring, 2011)

Gail A. Webber    Never Waste A Good Hole   (Fall, 2015)

Brenda Webster    Blind Spots   (Summer, 2008)

Linda Garman Weimer    Shrub It   (Winter, 2016)

Linda Weimer What Will I Be Today? (Fall, 2020)

Mary-Lou Weisman Dating Doctors (Summer, 2022)

Margot Adler Welch    Now For The Rest   (Summer, 2011)

Lyn Westbrook    Empty Glass   (Summer, 2023)

Linda A. White    On Strike   (Fall, 2016)

Meredith Sue Willis    Feral Grandmothers: Little Red’s   (Winter, 2014)

Meredith Sue Willis Grandma Shiksa (Fall, 2021)

Gerry Wilson    Tell Me Anything   (Summer, 2024)

Avra Wing    The Anchored Wife   (Fall, 2018)

Irene Wittig    A Night at the Opera   (Summer, 2015)

Carol Wobig    What Choice Do We Have   (Winter, 2014)

Carol Wobig, Please, No Tears (Winter, 2023)

Chila Woychik The Rural Chronicles: Love (Fall, 2021)

J.L. Wynne    Shakespeare’s On It   (Fall, 2017)

Susan Yankowitz    Stuntwoman   (Winter, 2008)

Rona Yohalem    Dance With a Stranger   (Fall, 2011)

Ann Zimmerman Time Enough (Summer, 2018)

Keltie Zubko    More than Twelve   (Winter, 2022)

Keltie Zubko, Smoothing the Wrinkles (Fall, 2023)

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Deborah-Zenha Adams      Trail Prophecy   (Winter, 2024)

Margot Adler      Why We Love Vampires   (Winter, 2013)

Paula Gunn Allen      The Perils of Being Paula   (Summer, 2007)

Sherry Ruth Anderson    A Secret I Should Be Keeping   (Summer, 2013)

Jane Ariel    Evelyn   (Winter, 2009)

Gail Arnoff    In Our Mother’s Closet   (Winter, 2016)

Gail Arnoff    In Another Closet   (Winter, 2022)

Barbarann Ayars     The Pie Queen   (Fall, 2012)

Barbara L. Baer    Shadows over the Galapagos   (Fall, 2016)

Ellyn Bache     Firstborn   (Fall, 2022)

Linda Baldanzi    Rattled   (Summer, 2014)

Lygia Ballantyne    Cooking by the Book   (Spring, 2009)

Nancy Barnes    I Got to See Their Words   (Spring, 2015)

Tina Barr    The Turtleneck   (Summer, 2023)

L. Shapley Bassen    The Rains Down in Africa   (Summer, 2020)

Nancy Bauer-King    Recycled   (Spring, 2016)

Karen Beatty    Messaging Plants   (Spring, 2023)

Alice Benson    Hope and Persistence   (Special Issue, 2022)

Véronique Béquin    Flight   (Summer, 2023)

Margo Berdeshevsky    My Lunch with Belochka   (Summer, 2013)

Annette Berkovits    Rebel With a Cause   (Spring, 2014)

Savitri L. Bess    Unexpected   (Winter, 2009)

Justine Blank     Thelma and Louise (not the movie)   (Fall, 2012)

Alice Bloch, A Tale of Two Trees (Winter, 2023)

Elizabeth Bird, Shaking the Family Tree: Laura’s Story (Summer, 2024)

Sheryl J. Bize-Boutte    Dead Chickens and Miss Anne   (Spring, 2012)

Bonnie Lee Black    Youth and Beauty   (Fall, 2008)

Lynette Blumhardt    Easily Amused   (Summer, 2022)

Martha Boesing    Parker Lake Jail   (Spring, 2014)

Patricia Boswell    The Visit   (Summer, 2021)

Sandy Boucher    Friendship and Change with Tillie Olsen   (Spring, 2007)

Nancy Bourne    Frozen Laughter   (Summer, 2020)

Rosalind Brackenbury    We Were Here   (Winter, 2024)

Katherine Bradway    On Approaching My Hundreth Year   (Summer, 2009)

Rev. Lyn G. Brakeman    Becoming a Woman Priest   (Winter, 2012)

Janie Braverman    Apocalypse/How to Fold 1,000 Paper Cranes   (Fall, 2023)

Donna Bridewell    Molecules   (Spring, 2022)

Julie Brinkmann    Struggling for Equality in the Catholic Church   (Special Issue, 2022)

Janet Brof    Holding Ground   (Fall, 2013)

E.M. Broner and Mary Gordon    The Writing Life   (Winter, 2008)

Paula Brown    Because Heaven   (Winter, 2024)

Spotted Earth Woman/Gloria Brooks; Yvonne Rand; Victoria Rue Unfolding: Women’s Spiritual Paths   (Fall, 2010)

Dorothy Bryant    Pushing Eighty-Still Pushing Books   (Summer, 2009)

Sandra Butler    Tiptoeing Toward Seventy   (Summer, 2009)

Sandra Butler    Repairs   (Spring, 2017)

Sandra Butler    Full Body Scan   (Winter, 2020)

Michelle Cacho-Negrete    On The Fire Escape   (Winter, 2007)

Anne Canright    The Bridge  (Summer, 2022)

Pat Carr    Prom Dress  (Summer, 2014)

Myriam Chapman    Disgust, (or What We Do for Love)   (Spring, 2019)

Leslie Clark    Snake Rain  (Winter, 2022)

Amy Champeau    Unleashed  (Special Issue, 2022)

Bell Gale Chevigny    Desire Is the Best Crutch   (Spring, 2013)

Bell Gale Chevigny    Our Robbery   (Spring, 2014)

Marian Mathews Clark    Getting There   (Fall, 2008)

Jenny Clover    Smog Check   (Spring, 2015)

Patty Cogen    If You Want to Change Your Life, Begin with Your Underwear   (Winter, 2014)

Elizabeth Cohen   Flammable   (Winter, 2024)

Elizabeth Cohen   Little Girl at the Salad Bar   (Summer, 2024)

Kathleen Collins   Possibilities   (Spring, 2022)

Judy Collinson   Gratitude   (Summer, 2023)

Leslie Contos   Pillbug Soul   (Fall, 2022)

Ruth Crocker    My Buddy’s Hat   (Winter, 2013)

Jane DiVita Woody   The System   (Winter, 2020)

Louise A. Dolan   Departures   (Fall, 2022)

Louise A. Dolan   Diamonds in the Universe   (Spring, 2023)

Mary Donaldson-Evans   Not for Sissies?   (Spring, 2022)

Dawn Downey   The Cleaning Women   (Summer, 2017)

Carol M. Downie    My Snake   (Fall, 2013)

Dora Dueck    Reunion  (Fall, 2020)

Rae Dumont    Still Waters  (Fall, 2023)

Rae Dumont    The Kindness of Realism  (Fall, 2024)

Phyllis Dunham    The Things You Held Sacred   (Fall, 2015)

Susanne Dutton   Medium Well   (Winter, 2019)

Rosanne Ehrlich Another Disney Fan Bites the Dust (Winter, 2017)

Jane C. Elkin Shades of Love and Duty (Spring, 2022)

Meredith Escudier    Like it or Not   (Summer, 2013)

Judith Fetterley A Case of the Blues (Summer, 2024)

Mary Dingee Fillmore    The Story I Had to Write   (Spring, 2023)

Eileen Finley    Something New   (Summer, 2023)

Karen Frank, Susan Pope, Carrie Lugar Slayback, Adriane St. Clare    Pushing Through   (Spring, 2011)

Marcia Freedman    Going Back   (Spring, 2008)

Constance Garcia-Barrio    Vivid Vengeance   (Spring, 2023)

Rita Jane Gabbett    Gorilla 13   (Summer, 2023)

Ginger Keller Gannaway    Falling into a Box   (Fall, 2024)

Claudia A. Geagan    Wife   (Winter, 2014)

Nan Fink Gefen    Change and All That   (Spring, 2012)

Nan Fink Gefen    Down the Rabbit Hole: My Adventures in Publishing   (Winter, 2014)

Alexandra Geiger Morgan Triptych: Three Explorations of Abuse (Special Issue, 2022)

Daniela Gioseffi Everything Happens for a Reason? (Winter, 2017)

Daniela Gioseffi A Death-Defying Illegal Abortion Nearly Destroyed Me (Special Issue, 2022)

Jean Gochros    What to Do About Danielle   (Fall, 2017)

Vivian Gornick    Turning Sixty   (Summer, 2009)

Vivian Gornick      Feminism in These Times   (Spring, 2015)

Susan Griffin & Maxine Hong Kingston The Open Heart
Is a Force For Peace
   (Winter, 2010)

Jane Hanser    The Registry   (Summer, 2013)

Laurie Harriton Abortion (Special Issue, 2022)

Julie Hébert Picking Cherry Tomatoes in the Apocalypse (Winter, 2024)

Julie Hébert I Can’t Close My Mouth (Summer, 2024)

Sally Hess    Descartes Appears, We Talk   (Winter, 2019)

Deborah Burke Henderson Spa Day (Spring, 2024)

Linda Hirschhorn    Yes I Will Dance  (Fall, 2013)

Susan Hodara    Paul on the Floor in the Dark   (Summer, 2023)

Susan Hoffman    The Anxious Stitch   (Winter, 2018)

Mary Alice Hostetter   Reclaiming Good Bones   (Spring, 2020)

Ruth Hunter    Circles of Hope   (Winter, 2007)

Joan Shaddox Isom   Four Laps in August   (Summer, 2008)

Carol Jeffers   Covenant   (Fall, 2018)

Barbara Johnson & Billie Mulkey    Hardscrabble Times   (Winter, 2009)

Susan E. Johnson    Edward Nicholas  (Fall, 2014)

Suzanne Juhasz, Cleo Kocol, Tricia Knoll, Kathy Merlino, Janet Sunderland, Edna Troiano
Responses to Vivian Gornick’s Feminism in These Times   (Summer, 2015)

Claire Kahane  My Mother’s Story: Memento Mori   (Winter, 2021)

Claire Kahane Acolyte (Special Issue, 2022)

Anne Kaier    A Window Outside the Wall  (Spring, 2023)

Kay Jorgensen, Mary Risala Laird, Rabbi Leah Novick  Unfolding: Women’s Spiritual Paths   (Winter, 2010)

Suzanne Juhasz   Classroom Ballerina: The Sequel   (Winter, 2013)

Frances Kappler   Monster   (Winter, 2015)

Jane Kays Maryann (Winter, 2017)

Barbara Rady Kazdan   Don’t Tell Hubby   (Winter, 2019)

Barbara Rady Kazdan The Mourning Fog (Winter, 2021)

Deborah Kent   Where Is the Ladies’ Room, Anyway?   (Fall, 2014)

Gail B. Kent The Bench (Summer, 2022)

Gloria DeVidas Kirchheimer   My Life in Pieces   (Summer, 2015)

Irena Klepfisz and Nancy Stoller    Lives of Confinement   (Summer, 2010)

Nancy Kline   Florida   (Summer, 2010)

Nancy Kline   Terrifying Tales   (Spring, 2020)

Lisa Knopp  Lure   (Summer, 2019)

Eva Kollisch    Father   (Fall, 2007)

Edith Konecky   Soup   (Winter, 2007)

Sophia Kouidou-Giles  Under the Azure Sky   (Spring, 2016)

Carolyn Kraus   Animus   (Summer, 2012)

Jane T. Krebs   Peaches   (Spring, 2021)

Michele Landsberg   Activism Is My Modus Operandi   (Spring, 2014)

Mary Martha Lappe   Dancing with the Stripes   (Winter, 2015)

Ellen Leary, Googling Old Boyfriends (Winter, 2023)

Roz Leiser   Reluctant Bride  (Summer, 2014)

Joan Lester   Naps   (Fall, 2007)

Roz Leiser, Hello and Goodbye (Spring, 2024)

Sue Leonard and Lilly Rivlin    Story
   (Spring, 2014)

Sue Leonard and Toshi Seeger    Interview   (Summer, 2012)

Shoshana Levenberg   In My Name   (Spring, 2020)

Miriam Mandel Levi   The Hedge   (Spring, 2023)

Carol Levine  The Fruit of the Apple Tree   (Fall, 2015)

Aurora M. Lewis    My Cowgirl Blues   (Fall, 2017)

Flossie Lewis  Maude’s Pill   (Winter, 2015)

Sue Fagalde Lick  Tuna Noodle Casserole   (Winter, 2024)

Sue Fagalde Lick  When You Can’t Even Get Drunk   (Spring, 2019)

Mardith Louisell  The Long Shower   (Spring, 2017)

Abby Luby    The High Note  (Summer, 2019)

Lily Iona MacKenzie    A Tuskegee Story  (Summer, 2014)

Melody Mansfield    Gouache Rhymes with Squash  (Fall, 2020)

Lucy Marx      The Reckoning of Junot Diaz   (Fall, 2019)

Responses to Lucy Marx The Reckoning of Junot Díaz (Winter, 2020)

Catherine Mathews    The Girl by the Door  (Summer, 2021)

Susan McCarthy    Buried Treasure   (Fall, 2023)

Caroline Ames McCoy    The Story of Asher   (Summer, 2010)

Patricia McTiernan    Lessons from the Death Café   (Fall, 2023)

Stephanie Wilson Medlock    Keeping Score   (Summer, 2013)

Rita Mendes-Flohr   Swim for the Dark Spots   (Winter, 2024)

Victoria Millard    Penelope’s Pockets   (Fall, 2024)

Debbie L. Miller    But, I’m a Girl   (Fall, 2017)

Nina Mishkin    A Story   (Spring, 2010)

Susan Moon   What If I Never Have Sex Again?   (Summer, 2008)

Jean P. Moore    Finding Charles   (Summer, 2011)

Jane P. Morgan    The Normal Aging Process   (Fall, 2013)

Christina Mowle    The Distorting Eye   (Summer, 2017)

Lisa Mullenneaux    The Vanishing Point: Artists Respond to Climate Change   (Spring, 2017)

ruie Mullins    At the Plaza   (Winter, 2015)

Daphne Muse    Gettin’ Sixty   (Spring, 2007)

Susan Neville    Billow  (Fall, 2020)

Emily Newberry    The First Steps   (Winter, 2016)

Sally Nielsen    The Bootleg Daughter   (Fall, 2011)

Sally Nielsen    Profundity   (Fall, 2018)

Hope Nisly    Never Take a Drop of H2O Lightly   (Winter, 2020)

Lee Haas Norris   A Woman’s Got to Do  (Winter, 2011-12)

Lee Haas Norris   BFF  (Fall, 2016)

Patty Anne O’Hara     A Hot Couple?   (Winter, 2018)

Jane O’Reilly     Diary of a Political Education   (Fall, 2016)

Elaine Neil Orr     Falling   (Winter, 2018)

Catherine Palmer Spleeny (Spring, 2024)

Crystal W. Pillifant     A Dud Isn’t Always a Dud   (Summer, 2023)

Paula Phipps     That Invisible Door Between Us and the Homeless   (Fall, 2014)

Lenore Pimental     First Sit Up Straight   (Fall, 2012)

Melba Pitts    God Nodded   (Summer, 2018)

Leanne Phillips    Growing an Avocado Tree from Seed   (Winter, 2022)

Letty Cottin Pogrebin     Cover-Up Creep   (Summer, 2015)

Eileen Pollack   The True Game of Tennis  (Special Issue, 2022)

Eileen Pollack Erector Set (Fall, 2024)

Patricia Pomerleau    Gay March   (Fall, 2015)

Joan Potter    Turning Elderly   (Winter, 2022)

Barbara Presnell, Home Boy (Winter, 2023)

Anna Rabkin    Southern Sixties   (Summer, 2012)

Honey Rand    On the Death of a Friend   (Summer, 2023)

Margaret Randall    Coyote Grin  (Fall, 2011)

Elizabeth Reed    A Map of Marriage on Monhegan Island   (Fall, 2022)

L. J. Reed    The Cribbage Master (Spring, 2012)

Bethany Reid    About a Marriage, from A to Zed (Fall, 2021)

Ruth Resch    Through the Eyes Of… (Fall, 2009)

Ruth Resch    Travel Agent (Spring, 2016)

Ruth Resch    Requiem for My Beloved (Summer, 2018)

Felice Rhiannon    The Candelabra (Winter, 2024)

Fay Robinson    House (Fall, 2023)

Phyllis Jane Rose    Sisters: A Digital Story (Spring, 2010)

Diana Rosen     Lerissa’s Monologue   (Spring, 2024)

Carole Rosenthal   Whose Lie Is This?   (Summer, 2007)

Deborah Ross    Barbie’s Bleak House; or, Married with Furniture (Spring, 2021)

Miriam Sagan    January   (Fall, 2023)

Mediha Saliba    Quilts in Life   (Winter, 2013)

Adina Sara    Holy Days   (Fall, 2021)

Roussel Sargent    Reaching Ninety   (Summer, 2009)

Stephanie Schamess, Howling at the Moon (Winter, 2023)

Adrienne Sciutto    The Sophie Stories   (Fall, 2019)

Shizue Seigel    Of Christmas and Karma   (Winter, 2016)

Jane Seskin, In the Company of Others (Summer, 2024)

Stephanie B. Shafran, Wheels (Winter, 2023)

Jacquelyn Shah    Mutant   (Special Issue, 2022)

Alice Shalvi    Point of (No) Return   (Summer, 2012)

Kaelin McGee Shipley    Letting Go   (Spring, 2019)

Kaelin McGee Shipley    The Descent   (Fall, 2024)

Carol Westreich Solomon    They’re Digging Dirt in My Family Room   (Fall, 2023)

Judith Sornberger    Declarations of Desks   (Fall, 2024)

Harriet Squier    The ICU   (Summer, 2019)

Pat Stafford    La riunione (The Reunion)   (Summer, 2024)

Ann Stanford    She Flew   (Summer, 2023)

Robin Stein    Hunger   (Summer, 2024)

Patricia Temple    The Windmill   (Summer, 2020)

Phyllis Todisco    The Reluctant Caretaker    (Special Issue, 2022)

Jo Ann(e) Valentine (Pascoe) Simson (Smith)    What’s in a Name?   (Spring, 2015)

Ann Warren Smith   Getting to the Heart   (Fall, 2014)

Ann St James    Ed Is Dead   (Spring, 2013)

Laura Tamakoshi    “The White Woman Will Eat You!”   (Spring, 2015)

Lynn Taylor    “AC”   (Spring, 2015)

Monona Wali    The Resistance of Shakuntala   (Summer, 2021)

Mary C. Waters    Weaving Lesson   (Winter, 2013)

Mary Watkins    Learning from Liberace   (Spring, 2008)

Gayle Ann Weinstein    Meet Me on the Corner   (Winter, 2014)

Mary-Lou Weisman Ms Me (Special Issue, 2022)

Mary-Lou Weisman, Longevity (Winter, 2023)

Ernestine Whitman Musical Themes (Winter, 2021)

Nancy Wick Just Like Me (Winter, 2017)

Laurey Williams Twins (Fall, 2021)

Katy Wright A Rose by Any Other Name (Fall, 2022)

Sherri Wright What is Essential — Every Single Day (Summer, 2022)

Mitsuye Yamada    Red Shoes and Milk Baths   (Summer, 2011)

Sondra Zeidenstein    Old Woman, New Poems (Spring, 2010)

Mary Zelinka    Boundaries (Winter, 2019)

Mary Zelinka Thirty-four Years to Graduation (Spring, 2024)

Elizabeth Zimmer    North Wing (Spring, 2013)

Jean Zorn Nothing is Sure in This World: When Title IX Became a Political Football (Special Issue, 2022)

Ariela Zucker Twenty-one Seconds (Spring, 2024)

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Music, Dance & Theatre

Harpist Nancy Allen  One of a Kind   (Winter, 2024)
Introduction and Interview by Gena Raps, Music Editor

Terry Joan Baum     Mom Comes Out   (Fall, 2012)

Joan Behrens-Berman, Guest Music Editor     Our Guest Editor’s Music Picks  (Summer, 2023)

Alina Bloomgarden     Jazz Visionary   (Spring, 2021)
interviewed by Gena Raps, Music Editor

Jane Ira Bloom     Jazz Saxophonist and Composer   (Summer, 2021)
interviewed by Gena Raps, Music Editor

Serena Benedetti Musical Trailblazing: Interview   (Special Issue, 2022)
interviewed by Gena Raps, Music Editor

Martha Boesing     Song of the Magpie   (Summer, 2007)

Laurie Carney Interview   (Summer, 2022)
interviewed by Gena Raps, Music Editor

Donna Weng Friedman     Stories from the Piano   (Winter, 2022)
Interview by Gena Raps, Music Editor

Yoko Takebe Gilbert  Mothering Musicians  (Spring, 2022)
Interview by Gena Raps, Music Editor

Sharon M. Hannon, Guest Music Editor Punk Pioneer Exene Cervenka: Her Life in Music and Words   (Fall, 2023)

Sally Hess, Guest Columnist  Diplomats of Equilibrium  (Fall, 2024)

Tania León  In Motion  (Summer, 2016)

Tania León, In Motion
Saluting Our Pulitzer Prize Winner, by Gena Raps, Music Editor

Margaret Leng Tan     Toi, Toi, Toy   (Fall, 2018)

Emily Levine     Off to the Races   (Fall, 2012)

Naomi Newman    Five Scenes   (Spring, 2008)

Gena Raps    An Interview with Thea Musgrave (Spring, 2009)

Gena Raps    Creative Collaboration: Elinor Armer and Ursula Le Guin   (Fall, 2010)

Gena Raps     An Interview with Evangeline Benedetti   (Fall, 2012)

Gena Raps    Carol Winsenc: The Magician of the Flute   (Winter, 2013)

Gena Raps     Pianist to Pianist: Gena Raps interviews Ursula Oppens (Spring, 2017)

Gena Raps, Music Editor     Editor’s Music Picks (Spring, 2023)

Gena Raps, Music Editor     Miyoko Nakaya Lotto: Teacher Extraordinaire (Summer, 2024)

Oxana Yablonskaya, Gena Raps    A Musical Life From Moscow to New York   (Fall, 2013)

Marta Renzi   Choreographer and Independent Filmmaker   (Summer, 2016)

Dorothy Roberts    I Loved Him   (Fall, 2015)

Elizabeth Zimmer    An Interview with Anita Hollander   (Sprint, 2020)

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Frances Payne Adler, Guest Editor   International Poets   (Summer, 2015)
Frances Payne Adler, Margo Berdeshevsky, Lakshmi Gill, Shareen Knight, Lesley Lababidi, Gila Landman, Anita Lerek, Althea Romeo-Mark

Dare I Call You Cousin, poetry by Frances Payne Adler (Spring, 2022)
The Way of the Matriot: On the Poetry of Frances Payne Adler, an introduction by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor

Dare I Call You Cousin (Revisit from Spring 2022)
Poetry by Frances Payne Adler
Photographs by Michael Fattal
Videos by Yossi Yacov

Judith Arcana, Guest Editor   Northeast Region Poetry   (Fall, 2008)
Annette Basalyga, Barbara Crooker, Susan Donnelly, Lynnel Jones, Jacqueline Lapidus, Elizabeth Lara, Alicia Ostriker, Minnie Bruce Pratt, Becky Dennison Sakellariou, Sondra Zeidenstein

Poetry of Jane Augustine   (Fall, 2022)
Introduction: Reality Is My Estate: On the Work of Jane Augustine, by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor
Poems from Traverse, by Jane Augustine

Christianne Balk, Guest Editor   West Coast Poetry   (Summer, 2018)
Kathleen Joy Anderson, Marri Champié, Linda Conroy, Ginger Dehlinger, Suzanne Edison, Gail Entrekin, Susan Landgraf, Joan Moritz, Penelope Scambly Schott, Judith Skillman, Stephanie Striffler

Cynthia Hogue and Devreaux Baker, Introductions   Poets from the West Coast   (Summer, 2020)
Poetry by Subhaga Crystal Bacon, Devreaux Baker, Carol Barrett, Gail Entrekin, Lorraine Jeffery, Sigrun Susan Lane, Eileen Malone, Judith Montgomery, Melanie Perish, Judith Quaempts, Kenith Simmons, Pat West, windflower
Photographs by Robin Gross; Illustration by Teresa Fasolino
Musical Interlude presented by Evangeline Benedetti and Pedja Muzijevic

Wendy Barker, Guest Editor   International Poetry   (Fall, 2010)
Margo Berdeshevsky, Jo Carroll, Tamra Hays, Jennifer Hedges, Lisa Katz, Katharine O’Flynn, Becky Sakellariou, Wallis Wilde-Menozzi

Wendy Barker   Eleven Poems   (Spring, 2013)
Introduction: Alicia Ostriker, An Introduction to Wendy Barker’s Poetry

Wendy Barker   Poems by Wendy Barker   (Fall, 2023)
Introduction: Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor, The Gentle Force of Female Wisdom: A Memorial Tribute to Wendy Barker

Aliki Barnstone, Guest Judge    Seventeen Poems:
Poetry from the Central States
   (Winter, 2021)
Aliki Barnstone, Nancy Lael Braun, Jacqueline Brogan, Wendy Cleveland, Jeanne Emmons, Ann Fisher-Wirth, Margaret Hasse, Pauletta Hansel, Judith Sanders, Annette Sisson, Rebecca A.
Spears, Bonnie Larson Staiger, Dawn Terpstra, Drucilla Wall, LaWanda Walters, Patricia Jabbeh Wesley
Introducing Aliki Barnstone by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor
Music by Gena Raps

Dr. Tina Barr, Guest Judge    Poets from Elsewhere   (Summer, 2021)
Introducing Tina Barr by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor
Tina Barr, Margo Berdeshevsky, Nicole Brossard, Lam Thi My Da, Dubravka Djuric, Elizabeth Mornin, Liana Sakelliou, Susan Wicks, Linda Stern Zisquit

Margo Berdeshevsky, Guest Editor    Poems from the Central North States   (Winter, 2015)
Kathleen Dale, Mary Moore Easter, Susan Fox, Mary Hotlen, Linda Maki, Beverly Offen, Mary Kay Rummel, Barbara Kreader Skalinder, Gayle Ann Weinstein

Chana Bloch   Twelve Poems   (Winter, 2009)
Introduction: Anita BarrowsWriting a Woman’s Life 

Chana Bloch   Fifteen Poems   (Spring, 2015)
Interview: Wendy BarkerChana Bloch’s Swimming in the Rain: Writing a Woman’s Life 

Beverley Bie Brahic, Guest Judge    Poems from the Central States   (Spring, 2012)
Liz Abrams-Morley, Jane Harrington Bach, Dorothy Brooks, Penny Hackett-Evans, Susan Mallory, Charlene Neely, Susan W. Peters, Nancy Paddock, Patti Capel Swartz, Judith Weir, M.J. Werthman White

Jill Breckenridge, Guest Editor    Poems from the Southern States   (Fall, 2009)
Nancy Calhoun, Margery Cunningham, Ann Fisher-Wirth, Jane Ellen Glasser, Rand (Silverbear) Hall, Joan Mazza, Merimee Moffitt, Margaret S. Mullins, Gail Peck, Diana Pinckney, Barbara Rockman, Sue Walker

Andrea Carter Brown, Guest Editor    Poets of the Western States   (Summer, 2024)
“With Open Eyes”: On the Poetry of Andrea Carter Brown by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor
The Gifts of Age and Nature by Andrea Carter Brown, Guest Poetry Editor
Poetry by Kim Addonizio, Rae Armantrout, Andrea Carter Brown, Carol V. Davis, Marsha de la O, Ann Dixon, Alice Hardesty, Jane Hilberry, Andrea Hollander, Mary Mackey, Carol Moldaw, Kathy Nelson, Patty Seyburn, Alice Templeton, Leslie Ullman, Pam Uschuk, Cindy Veach
Illustrations by Jennifer Pratt-Walter

Fleda Brown, Guest Editor    International Poets   (Fall, 2012)
Margo Berdeshevsky, Fleda Brown, Malinda Crispin, Eva Eliav, Mori Glaser, Chellis Glendinning, Lois Elaine Heckman, Venie Holmgren, Jo Milgrom, Lalita Noronha, Katharine O’Flynn, Althea Romeo-Mark, Barbara A Taylor

Fleda Brown    Ten Poems   (Fall, 2014)
Introduction: Wendy BarkerIntroduction to Fleda Brown’s Poetry

Susan Carlson    Two Poems   (Summer, 2023)

Marilyn Chin    Erudite Poet   (Fall, 2018)

Lucille Lang Day, Guest Editor Poetry from the Central States (Winter, 2017)
Mary Jo Balistreri, Judith Waller Carroll, Maria Crabtree, Lucille Lang Day, Janet Ruth Heller, Judy Johnson, Dawn McDuffie, Donna Pucciani, Marjorie Stamm Rosenfeld, Ruth Schmidt-Baeumler, Ann Falwell Stanford, Judith Weir, Veronica Zuege

Alice Friman, Guest Editor    Poems from the Northeast Region   (Summer, 2013)
Annette Basalyga, Alice Casey, Jean-Marie J. Crocker, Christina Wos Donnelly, Penny Harter, Kathleen M. Kelley, Jacqueline Lapidus, Christine O’Connor, Paula Phipps, Sb Sobel

Alice Friman, Guest Editor    Central States Poets   (Winter, 2019)
Wendy Taylor Carlisle, Judith Waller Carroll, Wendy Cleveland, Jane Desmond, Gail Goepfert, Amy Haddad, Pam Kreis-Dunn, Sigi Leonhard, Dawn McDuffie, Donna Pucciani, Catherine Senne Wallace

Andrea Hollander, Guest Editor   North Central States Poetry  (Spring, 2010)
Maril Crabtree, Penny Hacket-Evans, Eve Hooker, Deena Linett, Nancy Paddock, Linda Robiner, Mary Kay Rummel, Elizabeth Schultz, Catherine Wallace, M.J. White

Lucille Clifton    Twelve Poems   (Winter, 2008)
Introduction: Toi DerricotteAbout Lucille Clifton

Martha Collins    Twelve Poems   (Spring, 2014)
Introduction: Wendy BarkerIntroduction to Martha Collins

Rita Dove   Twelve Poems   (Winter, 2012)
Introduction: Erika Meitner,  Introduction to Rita Dove

Toi Derricotte   Poems   (Fall, 2007)
Introduction: Madeline Tiger,  Introduction

Ali Friman   Eleven Poems   (Fall, 2015)
Introduction: Wendy Barker,  On the Poetry of Alice Friman

Alice Fulton   Selected Poems   (Spring, 2024)
Introduction: Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor,  “the gift that bright exults”: On the Poetry of Alice Fulton

Joy Harjo   Twelve Poems   (Fall, 2013)
Introduction: Wendy Barker,  An Introduction To Joy Harjo

Linda Hogan   Nine Poems   (Fall, 2017)
Introduction: Peggy ShumakerIntroduction to Linda Hogan’s Poetry

Linda Hogan Selected Poems (Fall, 2024)
“To Know the World is a Living Being”: The Poetry of Linda Hogan. Introduction by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor

Fourteen Poems Fourteen Poems (Special Iesue, 2022)
Introduction by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor

Cynthia Huntington   The Holiday Suicides   (Spring, 2019)
Introduction: Cynthia HogueIntroduction to the Poetry of Cynthia Huntington

Tess Gallagher    Eleven Poems   (Summer, 2008)
Introduction: Alice Derry, Tess Gallagher: An Audacious Poet

Tess Gallagher Fourteen Poems from Is, Is Not (Fall, 2021)
Introduction by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor

Sandra M. Gilbert   Ten Poems   (Winter, 2010)
Introduction: Susan GubarIntroducing Sandra Gilbert’s Poetry

Maria Mazziotti Gillan, Guest Editor   West Coast Poetry   (Winter, 2014)
Donna L. Emerson, Christine Horner, Dallas Huth, Joanne Jagoda, Maria Mazziotti Gillan, Dian Gillmar, Aurora M. Lewis, Carolyn Martin, Penny Perry, Judith Kelly Quaempts, Elizabeth Stoessl

Mary Gilliland, Guest Judge   Poetry from the East Coast   (Winter, 2022)
Introduction to Mary Gilliland by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor
Introduction to East Coast Poets, by Mary Gilliland, Guest Judge
Pamela Ahlen, Irene Apostoleris, Rachel Elion Baird, Regina Dilgen, Jan Freeman, Debra Kaufman, Sandra Kohler, Monifa Love, Janet MacFadyen, Kate Ravin, Harriet Shenkman, Pamela Wax

Lorrie Goldensohn, Guest Editor   West Coast Poetry   (Spring, 2009)
Anne Barrows, Ellen Bass, Gail Rudd Entrekin, Marcia Falk, Cooper Gallegos, Dorothy Gilbert,
Muriel Karr, Sally Allen McNall, Judith Montgomery

Marilyn Hacker    Ten Poems   (Summer, 2012)
Introduction: Alicia OstrikerMarilyn Hacker: Poetry of Anger and Love

Barbara Hamby    Ten Poems   (Fall, 2016)
Introduction: Wendy BarkerThe Razzle-Dazzle of Barbara Hamby

Patricia Spears Jones   The Poetry of Patricia Spears Jones   (Fall, 2019)
Introduction by Cynthia Hogue 

Carolyn Kizer   Poems   (Spring, 2008)
Introduction: Diana O’HehirCarolyn Kizer’s Poetry

Maxine Kumin   Poems   (Winter, 2007)
Introduction: Alicia Ostriker,  Maxine Kumin: An Introduction

Bonnie Lyons, Guest Editor   Poetry from the Western States   (Summer, 2016)
Carol Barrett, Brenda Bellinger, Joanne Brown, Catharine Clark-Sayles, Jeanie Greensfelder, Cynthia Hoffman, Tricia Knoll, Lori Levy, Eileen Malone, Catherine McGuire, Nancy L. Meyer, Nan Rush

Charlotte Mandel, Guest Editor   East Coast Poetry   (Winter, 2016)
Kathleen Corcoran, Darcy Cummings, Susan Deer Cloud, Laurel Ferejohn, Penny Harter, Adele Kenny, Claire Keyes, Charlotte Mandel, Susanna Rich, Helen Ruggieri, Marianne Schloss, Carole Stone, Davi Walters

Marilyn Nelson   Poems   (Spring, 2018)

Naomi Shihab Nye   Twelve Poems   (Winter, 2013)
Introduction: Wendy Barker,  An Introduction to Naomi Shihab Nye’s Poetry

Alicia Ostriker   Poems   (Summer, 2010)
Introduction: Wendy Barker, Penetrating Surfaces

Diana O’Hehir   Poems   (Summer, 2009)

Grace Paley   Poems   (Summer, 2007)
Introduction: E.M. Broner, My Pal Paley

Pit Pinegar, Guest Poetry Editor    International Poetry   (Summer, 2023)
Poetry by Sharon Alexander, Ann Bar-Dov, Aliki Barnstone, Margo Berdeshevsky, Natalka Bilotserkivets, Hanne Bramness, Wendy Dickstein, Dubravka Djurić, Janis Galway, Janice Greene, Barbara Kamler, Althea Romeo Mark, Frances Owen, Pit Pinegar, Frances Presley, Liana Sakelliou
Illustrations by Helen Bar-Lev
Introduction: Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor “Turning Myself Loose with the Language”: Introducing Guest Poetry Editor Pit Pinegar

Hilda Raz, Guest Editor   International Poets   (Summer, 2017)
Caroline Cottom, Meredith Escudier, Sharon Goodier, Lois Elaine Heckman, S.E. Ingraham, Ellen S. Jaffe, Kath Jonathan, Benita Kape, Sarah Thomson, Joanne Veiss-Zaken.

Kay Ryan   Sixteen Poems   (Summer, 2011)
Introduction: Chana Bloch, Kay Ryan’s Poems

Mona Lisa Saloy   Black Creole Chronicles: Poems   (Spring, 2023)
Introduction: Cynthia Hogue, “Guardian of the Creole Groove”: The Poetry of Mona Lisa Saloy

Peggy Shumaker, Guest Editor  Poems from the Southern States   (Summer, 2014)
Judith Waller Carroll, Wendy White Cleveland, Jo Ann Steger Hoffman, Ann Neuser Lederer, Janet McCann, Elizabeth Oakes, Diana Pinckney, Elena Lelia Radulescu, Susan Shaw Sailer, Mary Kay Schoen, Bonnie Stanard, Peggy Shumaker, Memye Curtis Tucker, Alice Toporoff Wallace, Sarah Webb, Dede Wilson, Sally Zakariya

Peggy Shumaker  Ten Poems   (Spring, 2017)
Introduction: Wendy Barker On the Poems of Peggy Shumaker

Maurya Simon, Editor   East Coast Poetry   (Winter, 2018)
Pamela Ahlen, Henrietta Dahlstrom, Anne Harding Woodworth, Josephine Hausam, W.J. Herbert, Kathryn Kelly, Sandra Kohler, Susan Kress, Jacqueline Lapidus, Ethel Paquin, Deborah Pfeffer, Meredith Trede.

Patricia Smith   A Dozen Poems   (Spring, 2016)
Introduction: Wendy Barker, Introduction to Patricia Smith’s Poetry

Sue Standing   East Coast Poets   (Winter, 2020)
L.R. Berger, Paula Bonnell, Debra Cash, Barbara Daniels, Merrill Oliver Douglas, Kate Flaherty, Amy Gottlieb, JoAnn Hoffman, Claire Keyes, Jacqueline Lapidus, Ann Taylor, Sarah Brown Weitzman, Sue Standing.

Hannah Stein, Guest Editor   East Coast Poetry   (Spring, 2011)
Sasha Ettinger, Sandra Kohler, Janet Krauss, Diana Pinckney, Marjorie Norris, Susan Roche, Ada Jill Schneider, Dorothy Schiff Shannon, Carole Stone, Dale Tushman

Jody Stewart, Guest Editor   Poets of the Eastern States   (Winter, 2024)
The Bee in the Center of a Zinnia: On the Poetry of Jody Stewart by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor
Poets and Courage: Poetry from the Eastern United States by Jody Stewart, Guest Poetry Editor
Poetry by Rachel R. Baum, Jan Freeman, Jane Ann Fuller, Janlori Goldman, Beth Kanell, Joan Larkin, Donna Kennedy Maccherone, Janet MacFadyen, Jennifer Martelli, Mary Cuffe Perez, Celeste Pflister, Rosetta Radtke, Elaine Terranova, Yvonne, Rhett Watts
Photographs by Mary Lou Reker

Ruth Stone   Poems   (Spring, 2007)
Introduction: Sandra Gilbert, On Ruth Stone

Julie Suk, Guest Editor  Poetry from the Western States   (Fall, 2011)
Katy Brown, Margaret Chula, Joanne M. Clarkson, Gail Rudd Entrekin, Grace Marie Grafton, Taylor Graham, Kelley Jácquez, Meredith Kunsa, Penelope Scrambly Schott, Edythe Haendel Schwartz, Florence Weinberger, Pat Phillips West

Heather Thomas, Guest Editor  International Poets   (Summer, 2019)
Karen Alkalay-Gut, Patricia Díaz Bialet, Audrey Chin, Margaret Hollingsworth, Wendy Klein, Marianne Larsen, Marion Leeper, Krystyna Lenkowska, Althea Romeo Mark, Irina Mashinski, Diti Ronen, Susan Wismer

Laura Tohe   Eight Poems   (Fall, 2020)
My Soul Immense with the Millennia of Rocks and Stars: The Poetry of Laura Tohe
by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor

Eleanor Wilner   Nine Poems   (Spring, 2020)
Introduction: Cynthia Hogue, The Necessity of Witness: On the Poetry of Eleanor Wilner

Kathleen Winter, Guest Judge    Poetry from the Western States   (Summer, 2022)
The Transformative Capacity: Introducing Kathleen Winter, by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor
Kathleen Joy Anderson, Judy Clarence, Rebecca Foust, Jodi Hottel, Barbara Johnstone, Moira Magneson, Sara McAulay, Alice Campbell
Romano, Joan Stepp Smith, Victoria Stefani, Susan Terris, Lynne Thompson

Ann Fisher-Wirth, Guest Poetry Judge    Poets of the Central States   (Winter, 2023)
Introduction: Cynthia Hogue, “The Sap-Rich Glory”: The Poetry of Guest Judge Ann Fisher-Wirth

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No Immigrants, No Art   (Spring, 2018)

Greta Berman  Synesthesia: The Involuntary Joining of the Senses   (Spring, 2019)

Greta Berman   “That Energy that Spins the World”: The Art of Rebecca Allan   (Winter, 2023)

Greta Berman, Art Editor   “My Story/Their Story”: The Art of Marilyn Church   (Spring, 2023)

Greta Berman, Art Editor  Restoring Unique American Art: My Work on Federal Art Project Murals   (Fall, 2023)

Greta Berman, Art Editor  Advocate for the Arts: Johanne Bryant-Reid   (Spring, 2024)

Greta Berman, Art Editor  Redux: Art by Howardena Pindell   (Summer, 2024)

Betty Blayton-Taylor  Spiritual Artist, Spirited Educator   (Summer, 2015)

Lorraine Bonner   Sculpture   (Fall, 2008)
Introduction: Yasmin Sayyed, Introduction to Lorraine Bonner

Isabelle de Borchgrave  Haute Couture de Papier   (Summer, 2014)

Rose Cabat  Touchie Feelies   (Fall, 2014)

Rose Cabat  Touchie Feelies Redux   (Winter, 2021)

Elizabeth Catlett  Recent Prints   (Fall, 2010)

Judy Chicago   Hands in Glass   (Spring, 2009)

Diane Churchill Musicality, Complexity, and Interconnections, by Greta Berman, Art Editor    (Fall, 2022)

Marion Coleman   African American History and Culture in Story Quilts   (Fall, 2017)

Alessandra Comini   Tribute to a Polymath: Alessandra Comini Greta Berman, Art Editor   (Fall, 2024)

Jane Dickson   Revelers   (Spring, 2017)

Shirley Faktor  Paintings: The Cyclical Nature of Life   (Summer, 2011)

Patricia Tobacco Forrester   Eleven Watercolors   (Summer, 2010)

Sally Frank   Visual Memories   (Fall, 2016)

Suvan Geer   Shall Remain Nameless   (Winter, 2014)

Janet Goldner   Art and Life   (Summer, 2013)

Liliana Golubinsky   Playful in Buenos Aires   (Summer, 2020)

Grace Graupe-Pillard   Art as Dialectic   (Spring, 2021)
Introduction: Greta Berman, Art Editor, The Dialectical Art of Grace Graupe-Pillard

Howardena Pindell   An Intersectional Artist Before the Fact   (Summer, 2021)
Introduction: Greta Berman, Art Editor

Robin Gross   Photographing Passion   (Fall, 2015)

Guerrilla Girls   Art as Activism   (Spring, 2014)

Nancy Hagin   Sumptuous Realist   (Spring, 2015)

Ester Hernandez   A Visual Dialogue   (Spring, 2011)

Sheila Hicks     The Grande Dame of Textile Art   (Fall, 2012)

Nicole Hollander  Sylvia Cartoon Strips   (Winter, 2007)
Introduction: Judith Arcana, Laughing and Thinking at the Same Time

Yvonne Jacquette  Views from the Heavens   (Spring, 2016)
Introduction by Gena Raps

Jae Jarrell  Revolutionary Fashion Designer   by Greta Berman   (Winter, 2024)

Martha H. Kennedy, Guest Art Editor   “Working Woman”: Barbara Dale, Cartoonist and Fine
   (Summer, 2023)
Introduction: Greta Berman, Introduction to Guest Editor Martha Kennedy

Women in Bronze (and Copper)   (Fall, 2020)
Introduction by Sue Leonard, Editor

Abbe Stahl Steinglass and Harriet W. Lesser  The Third Artist: Painting in Collaboration   (Winter, 2013)

Ellen K. Levy  Stealing Attention   (Spring, 2013)

Elaine Lorenz Seedpods: The Future?   (Winter, 2018)

Hung Liu  Then and Now: Paintings and Installations   (Winter, 2010)

Yolanda López   Women’s Work is Never Done   (Summer, 2009)

Melanie Manchot   Photography   (Spring, 2007)

Henrietta Mantooth   Paintings and Installations   (Winter, 2008)
Introduction: Mary Frank, A Risk-Taking Artist

Janice Mehlman   Photographs: Sensory Allusions and Intimate Truths   (Spring, 2020)

Valerie Mendelson   Painter   (Winter, 2020)

Rita Mendes-Flohr   Gorges From Within   (Summer, 2016)

Marybeth McKenzie   Contemporary Realism   (Winter, 2014)

Kate Missett   Canopic Jars   (Fall, 2018)

Irmari Nacht   Saved Books   (Summer, 2018)

Nobuho Nagasawa   Weaving     Light     Sound     Bodywaves   (Summer, 2016)

Mayumi Oda   Ten Images   (Summer, 2008)
Introduction: Lane Olson, Images of the Floating World

Alicia Ostriker   Poems from the Volcano and After: Selected and New Poems, 2002-2019   (Spring, 2021)
Introduction: Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor, Making Beauty Like That: On the Poetry of Alicia Ostriker

Judy Pfaff   Sculptural Paintings   (Winter, 2010)

Gail Postal   Fantasy Life   (Fall, 2013)

Faith Ringgold   Visual Art   (Summer, 2007)
Introduction: Moira Roth, About Faith Ringgold

Dorothea Rockburne   Geometry, Astronomy and Angels   (Summer, 2012)

Joan Roth   Photographs of Centenarians   (Spring, 2010)

Eleanor Rubin Dreams of Repair: A Decade of Images   (Winter, 2011-12)

Alison Saar Alison Saar Swings Low in Harlem: The Harriet Tubman Memorial   (Spring, 2017)

Joyce J. Scott   Beading for Her Life   (Winter, 2015)

Susan Schwalb   A Contemporary “Old Master”   (Fall, 2021)
Introduction by Greta Berman, Art Editor

Nilima Sheikh   Delectable Art for Every Day   (Summer, 2016)

Kathran Siegel   Carving a Life   (Summer, 2016)

Regina Silveira   Perspectives   (Spring, 2012)

Ellen Nathan Singer   Honoring Immigrants   (Spring, 2018)

Marcia Smilack   A Reflectionist   (Spring, 2019)

Jaune Quick-to-See Smith   Poetry in Painting   (Winter, 2016)

Mimi Smith   Being Female in Society   (Fall, 2015)

Joan Snyder   Paintings   (Spring, 2008)
Introduction: Cornelia Schulz, Contemplating the Work of Joan Snyder

Wilda Gerideau Squires   Photography as Abstract: Fourteen Images   (Fall, 2011)

Elise F. Stanley   Wildlife Glimpses   (Winter, 2019)

Carol Steen Evolving Synesthetic Worldscape by Greta Berman, Art Editor   (Summer, 2022)

May Stevens   Paintings   (Fall, 2009)

Jenny Tango   Jenny Tango Is Still Painting Herself   (Summer, 2019)

Susan Unterberg   Behind the Mask   (Spring, 2013)

Kay WalkingStick   This Is Our Beloved Land   (Summer, 2016)

Ellen Wiener Book as Art, Art as Book (Winter, 2017)

Flo Oy Wong   Art Installations   (Fall, 2007)
Introduction: Melanie Herzog, On Voice and Memory

Nancy Worthington   Art, Play, and Politics   (Winter, 2022)
Introduction to Nancy Worthington, by Greta Berman, Art Editor

Millicent Young Sculptor (Fall, 2019)

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Joy Krauthammer   Persimmon Drying   (Spring, 2012)

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Short Takes

First Thing in the Morning   (Summer, 2010)
Helene Constant, Karen Dale, Joanne Eddy, Estelle Glass, Kathryn Jens, Georgia Post, Patricia Sullivan, Hilda Wales

Thrills   (Winter, 2010)
Marty Carlock, Lynne Davis, Constance Garcia-Barrio, Linda Gartz, Celia Miles, Natalie Safir, and Carol Walkner

Taking a Stand   (Summer, 2011)
Ingrid Briles, Maril Crabtree, Deborah Nedelman, Marti Watterman, Marianne Goldsmith, Mary Ellen Michna

The Next Step   (Winter, 2011-12)
Terri Watrous Berry, Jill Cook, Misha Herwin, Deborah Jordan, Martha Mendelsohn, Mary Kay Schoen, Margaret Miller Volpe, Linda A. Wright

Milestones   (Summer, 2012)
Sylvia Gutmann, Mary Izzo, Laura T. Jensen, Carolyn Litwin, Ruth Pike, Ann St James, Annita Sawyer

Sports   (Fall, 2012)
Nan Hilsinger, Ann Neuser Lederer, Carolyn Meagher, Lola Ready, Marjorie Sell Stewart, Ann St James

Gossip   (Winter, 2013)
Jo Barney, Joan Cappello, Beatrice G. Davis, Phyllis Douglas, Phyllis Jean Green, Pamela Manché Pearce, Lita E. Plopinio

Guilty Pleasures   (Spring, 2013)
Grace Babakhanian, Mary A. Berger, Rochelle Distelheim

Money   (Summer, 2013)
Penny Hackett-Evans, Priscilla Tilley, Madelyn F. Young, Ruth Codier Resch, Ann Batchelor Hursey, Robyn Marshall

Sex    (Fall, 2013)
Marilyn A. Gelman, Lynne Sparrow, Norma Smith, Jo Barney, Sb Sowbel, Lauren Shenfield, Hannah Louise Abbett, Carolyn Lee Arnold

Jewelry    (Winter, 2014)
Lois Baer Barr, Sunny Glessner, Ann Batchelor Hursey, Carolyn Meagher, Barbara Rockman

Prose [Activism]    (Spring, 2014)
Phyllis Berentsen, Joanna Mary Bressler, Michael angel Johnson, Karen Keltz, Barbara Milgrom Melrose, Niomi Rohn Phillips

Poetry [Activism]    (Spring, 2014)
Margo Berdeshevsky, Elizabeth J. Coleman, Jacqueline Kudler

Summer    (Summer, 2014)
Sue Ellis, Lisa Holzkenner, Debby Mayer, Glenda Munson, Lynne Sparrow

Still Working    (Fall, 2014)
Estelle Glass, Mary Martha Lappe, Ronna Magy, Elaine G. Schwartz

Social Media    (Winter, 2015)
Edith Lank, Judie Rae, Barbara Schramm, Priscilla Tilley, Elizabeth Zimmer

Boiling Points    (Spring, 2015)
Carla Fellers, Edith Lank, Nan Mick, Jean Zorn

Shoes    (Summer, 2015)
Juanita Kirton, Grace Mattern, Niomi Phillips, Norma S. Tucker. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

On Wheels    (Fall, 2015)
Kavanaugh, Ronna Magy, Debbie L. Miller, Beverly Offen. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

Presents    (Winter, 2016)
Adina Sara, Linda Silver, Elaine Terranova, Elizabeth Van Zandt. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

A Birth Story    (Spring, 2016)
Annis Cassells, Bell Gale Chevigny, Diantha Hull, Robin Gross, C.S. Leonard, Rona Simmons. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

Arts & Crafts    (Summer, 2016)
Mary Ann Cook, Sharon Frame Gay, Robin Gross, Emi Hattori, Susan Hecht, Lauren Katzowitz Shenfield, Dorothy Rice. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

Politics    (Fall, 2016)
Sylvia Ramos Cruz, Sophia Kouidou-Giles, Pat Reuss, Anne Mollegen Smith. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

Advice (Winter, 2017)
Sheila Grinell, Daniela Gioseffi, Robin Gross, Beth Mills. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

Getting an Education (Spring, 2017)
Phyllis Douglas, Judy Hoyer, Judy S. Richardson, Lynne Sparrow. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

A Summer of Luscious Fruit (Summer, 2017)
Arlene Bosky, Mary Ann Cook, Judy Harding, Hilary Harper, Judy Hoyer, Joann Kielar, Merimee Moffitt, Dorty Nowak, Sylvia D. Saxon, Patti Swartz. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

Time (Fall, 2017)
Adrianne Borgia, Wanda Burch, Nancy Gerber, Robin Gross, Mardith Louisell, Patricia Pomerleau, Priscilla Tilley, Judy Wells, Connie Zumpf. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

Border Crossings (Spring, 2018)
Pat Carr, Audrey Chin, Denise David, Lakshmi Gill, Laurie Harriton, Laurie Jurs, Bernadine Lortis, Alice Marks, Lisa Saffron, Dolores Senchak, Norma S. Tucker. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

#Me Too/ Me, Too (Summer, 2018)
Susan B. Apel, Carolyn Banks, Beth Dwoskin, Laurie Kuntz, DS Levy, Lalita Noronha, Mary C. Rowin, Mary Ellen Talley. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

My Bag (Fall, 2018)
Rani Drew, Sue Fagalde Lick, Merimee Moffitt, Martina Reaves, Susan Strassburger, Norma S. Tucker, Ann Zimmerman. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu (Winter, 2019)
Pamela Ahlen, Maria Espinosa, Kate Flaherty, Mary Susan Gast, Robin Gross, Mimi Jennings, Connie Kallback, Adrienne Keller, Carrie Kinsey, Carol Nadell, Alice Simpson, Monique Stampleman, Judy Swann. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

Boiling Point (Spring, 2019)
Introduction by Jean Zorn.
Janet Banks, Berta Morgan, Vivienne Popperl, Miriam Reed, Rhett Watts

Life-Changing Moments (Summer, 2019)
Introduction by Jean Zorn
Connie Bedgood, Mei Joan Chung-Guyll, Robin Dellabough, gaye gambell-peterson, Jan Haag, Joan Halperin, Pamela Hartmann, Aurora Lewis, Rosie Sugden, Mary Whetstone

Mourning (Fall, 2019)
Introduction by Jean Zorn
Helen Beer, Bindy Bitterman, Denise L. David, Katharine Harer, Ann E. Hultberg, Peggy Landsman, Victoria Lewis, Janet Merritt, Maureen Teresa McCarthy, Kathleen Naureckas, Judie Rae, Kathleen Sampson, Karen Schauber, Kathy Steinemann, Gayle Ann Weinstein

Gift/ Giving (Winter, 2020)
Introduction by Jean Zorn
Kim Burnett, Adele Glimm, Joan Halperin, Joan Kresich, Charlene Neely, Beverly Stock, Sue Won

When I Was 17… (Spring, 2020)
Introduction by Jean Zorn
Lois Barr, Kathleen Canrinus, Dorothy Egan-Keating, Phyllis Ferguson, Babo Kamel, Shirley Muir, Jane P. Perry, Linda M. Scott, Edna Wallace, Ariela Zucker

Election Stories (Summer, 2020)
Introduction by Jean Zorn
Becky Boling, Judith Emilie, Susan Emshwiller, Meredith Escudier, Diane Freedman, Leslie Neustadt, Joyce R. Ritchie, Paula Rudnick, Anne-Marie Sutton

Justice (Fall, 2020)
Introduction by Jean Zorn
Frances Payne Adler, Subhaga Crystal Bacon, Liz Betz ,Jane Desmond, Joanne Kennedy Frazer, Susan Lundgren, Pit Pinegar, Janet Preus, Ellen K. Reichman, Vera Kewes Salter, Judy Wells, Ellen Woods

Random Acts of Kindness (Winter, 2021)
Christina Buckton, Judith Emilie, Cynthia Good, Elise Kazanjian, Rochelle Linick, Lalita Noronha, Mary Robertson, Sivakami Velliangiri, Ariela Zucker
Introduction by Jean Zorn
Music by Patti Casey

Light[s] at the End of the Tunnel (Spring, 2021)
Mary Ellen Capek, Cynthia Elder, Marjorie Hanft, Joanna Clapps Herman, Melissa Huff, Gurupreet K. Khalsa, Rita Salina Kiernan, Jacqueline Kudler, Angela Lombardo, Marilyn Mazur, Janet Preus, Susanna Rich, Paula Rudnick, JoAnn Sanderson, Deborah K. Shepherd, Ellen Woods
Art Work by Marjorie Hanft
Music by Carol Wincenc and Gena Raps
Introduction: So How Near the End of the Tunnel Are We? by Jean Zorn, Publisher

Heroes (Summer, 2021)
Introduction: Everyday Heroism by Jean Zorn, Publisher
Carol Biederman, Sharon J. Clark, Lynne Davis, Judith Emilie, Maryanne Hannan, Maggie Hill, Jane Joritz-Nakagawa, Clorisa Phillips, Ellen K. Reichman, Marcia Rutan, Judy Wells, Ann Weil
Art Work by Paula Schultz & by Elisabeth De Nitto
Music by Gena Raps & Carol Wincenc

Secrets (Fall, 2021)
Introduction: Secrets, Secrets, Secrets by Jean Zorn, Publisher
Paulette Benson, Rebecca Ballew Dockum, Karen L. George, Ronnie Hess, Ann Hultberg, Marilyn Johnston, Pat LaPointe, Kathleen McClung, Kathy Miller, Gloria g. Murray, Vera Kewes Salter,
JoAnn Sanderson, Roberta Schultz, Michele Sharpe, Susanne Singleton, Mary Gayle Thomas, Rosanne Trost, Gayle Ann Weinstein

Secrets (Winter, 2022)
Introduction: Family and Friends by Jean Zorn, Publisher
Sarah Barnett, Jane L. Becker, Marsha Blitzer, Ann Boaden, Paula Boyland, C. Morgan Flanders, Diane Gorman, Anke Hodenpijl, Lois Kiely, Barbara Krauss, D. L. Landi, Antonia Lewandowski, Susan Lundgren, Amy S. Melman, Dana C. Moriarty, Beth Rosen, Leah Schweitzer, Sarah Dickenson Snyder, Carol Sutherland-Brown, Judy Wells
Illustrations by Marcella Peralta Simon
Music performed by Gena Raps and Carol Wincenc

Forgetting (Spring, 2022)
Introduction by Jean Zorn, Publisher
Meryl Baer, Becky Boling, Wynne Brown, Regina Dilgen, Joy Dryer, Jill Evans, Mary Kay Feather, Marjorie Hanft, Beth Kanell, J. I. Kleinberg, Jackie Langetieg, Gerry Moohr, Betsy Nelson, Julie Pratt, Joan B. Reid, Mary C. Rowin, Victoria Lynn Smith, Florida Town, Dorothy Wall, windflower, Ariela Zucker
Illustrations by Judith R. Robinson
Music by Gena Raps and Artur Balsam

Turning Points (Summer, 2022)
Introduction: Turn, Turn, Turn, by Jean Zorn, Publisher
Prose by Kathryn Bashaar, Beverly Friend, Adele Glimm, Molly Howes, Penny Campbell, Fokkina McDonnell, Clare Simons
Poetry by Abby Caplin, Cecile Earle, Elise Kazanjian, Kathleen McClung, Angie Minkin, Christy Shepard, Ellen Gerneaux Woods
Illustrations by Karen Greenbaum-Maya
Music by Gena Raps

Turning Points (Fall, 2022)
Introduction: And Turn Again, by Jean Zorn, Publisher
Prose & Poetry by Mona Anderson, Dianne Apter, Caroline Bassett, Helen Beer, Margo Berdeshevsky, Lisa K. Buchanan, Lillian Hallberg, Joanna Clapps Herman, Jo Ann Hoffman, Lorraine Jeffery, Cherryl Jensen, Jackie Langetieg, Dr. Dorothy C. Miller, Victoria Phillips, Merryn Rutledge, Stephanie B. Shafran, Abby Staberg, Patricia Temple
Illustrations by Jennifer O’Neill Pickering
Music by Linda Shear, Gena Raps

Resistance and Resilience (Winter, 2023)
Tis the Season to be Jolly: An Introduction by Jean Zorn, Publisher
Prose & Poetry by
Maya Balle, Cynthia Bernard, Rev. Lyn G. Brakeman, Melissa D. Burrage, Judith Beth Cohen, Nancy Dillingham, Mary Alice Dixon, Sally Frances, Nina Gaby, Gail Ghai, Kathie Giorgio, Debbie Hagan,
Antoinette Kennedy, Deborah Meltvedt, Dana Collins Moriarty, Mary Novaria, Ellen Reichman, Rita ‘Rusty’ Rose, Victoria Lynn Smith, Mari Stachenfeld, Christie Taylor, Dr. Edna Troiano, Tamara
Illustrations by Alanna Pass and windflower
Music by Ann Chase, Gena Raps, Linda Shear

WTF Is It with This Weather? (Spring, 2023)
Introduction by Jean Zorn, Publisher
Prose and Poetry by Armen Bacon, Denise Beck-Clark, Ann Birch, Martha Bordwell, Phyllis Brotherton, Anna Gall, Gail Ghai, Tobey Hiller, Debra Kaufman, Lois Kiely, Janet McCann, Laurie Rosen, Merryn Rutledge, Roberta Schultz, Stephanie Shafran, Judith Shapiro, Kathryn Taylor, Eileen Trauth, Georgette Unis, Kresha Richman Warnock, windflower
Music by Gena Raps

Verbal Lightning (Summer, 2023)
Introduction by Jean Zorn, Publisher
Prose and Poetry by Sally Mansfield Abbott, Doris B. Ash, Sarah Barnett, Denise Beck-Clark, Barbara Collentine, Florencia Cortés-Conde, Patricia Fuschetti, Melinda Goodman, Anara Guard, Pamela Hertzog, Lorraine Jeffery, Wendy Freedman Katkin, Pam Kress-Dunn, Gail Mackenzie-Smith, Vaughn Neeld, Melanie Perish, Joanna Richey, Judith Ross, Victoria Lynn Smith, Mary Gayle Thomas, Pat Tyrer
Illustrations by Merry Song

Shameless Self-Promotion (Fall, 2023)
Introduction by Jean Zorn, Publisher
Prose and Poetry by Sally Mansfield Abbott, Connie Corcoran, Patricia Crisafulli, Karin Eaton, Sally Hess, Susan Knox, Kwan Kew Lai, Wendy Lukomski, Liz Newberry, Kay Patterson, Jennifer O’Neill Pickering, Ellen Reichman, Li Ruan, Susan Shea, Sabine Vorkoeper-Orchard
Illustrations by Connie Corcoran, Karin Eaton, Linda Falcão, Janis Butler Holm, Jennifer O’Neill Pickering

What I Like/What I Dislike (Winter, 2024)
Introduction: Susan Sontag’s List, Jean Zorn, Publisher
Prose and Poetry by Denise Beck-Clark, Alice Benson, Annis Cassells, Sheree Stewart Combs, Lynn B. Connor, Carla Manene Cooke, Marie Danniely, Lynne Davis, Rosanne Ehrlich, Irene Fick, Anne Gruner, Penny Hackett-Evans, Melinda Halpert, Elyse Hilton, Beth Kanell, Indra Kapur, Tricia Knoll, Susan Knox, Margaret Koger, Jacqueline Lapidus, Jane Manaster, Carolyn Martin, Charlene Neely, Hope Nisly, Margaret C. Pearson, Roberta Peets, Melanie Perish, Crystal Pillifant, Rosetta Radtke, Ellen K. Reichman, Kerfe Roig, S. Rose, Jane Seskin, Ursula Shepherd, Marcella Peralta Simon, Vicki Vogt, Sabine Vorkoeper-Orchard, Kresha Richman Warnock, Margie Wildblood, windflower
Illustrations by Susan Pollet

Spring Is in the Air (Erotica) (Spring, 2024)
Introduction:, Jean Zorn, Publisher
Prose and Poetry by Jennifer L. Abod, Jan Bartelli, Miriam Bat-Ami, Denise Beck-Clark, Gayle Bell, Julie H. Bolton, Martha Bordwell, Sharon Brandon, Elisabeth Brennand, Maureen Clark, Suzanna C. de Baca, Shaheen Dil, Mary Alice Dixon, Judith Dorian, Mickey Eliason, Sally Frances, Diane Funston, Patricia Garrison, D. J. Green, Shirlee Jellum, Beth Kanell, Lorelei Kay, Helga Kidder, Sally A. Kilgore, JoAnn Koozer, Jackie Langetieg, Sally McClellan, Denise Osso, Sara Palmer, Rosetta Radtke, Judith R. Robinson, Ursula Shepherd, Noelle Sterne, Elizabeth Zimmer
Music by Gena Raps
Illustrations by Merry Song

Pockets of Joy (Summer, 2024)
Introduction:, Jean Zorn, Publisher
Prose and Poetry by Beth Aviv, Syd Bartman, Karina Bergen, Lisa Braxton, Catharine Clark-Sayles, Alice Duggan, Amanda Freymann, Evie Groch, Martha Ellen Johnson, Tricia Knoll, Donna Kennedy Maccherone, Nancy Owen Nelson, Linda Pollard Puner, Roberta Schultz, Marcella Simon, Helene Smith, Kathryn Taylor, windflower, Karen Zlotnick
Video by Kathy Taylor
Photographs by Merry Song

Listening (Fall, 2024)
Introduction:, Jean Zorn, Publisher
Prose and Poetry by Jennifer Abod, Ellen Agger, Suzanne S. Austin-Hill, Shawn Aveningo-Sanders, Debra Bruno, Judy Castleberry, Jacqueline Davey, Jeannette DesBoine, Gail Frank, Melinda Gordan, Nancy Gustafson, Nancy Johnston Hall, Arlene Johnson, Kwan Kew Lai, Jade Robinson Myers, Linda Neal, Margie Patlak, Roberta Peets, Celia Schorr, Sally Showalter, Stephanie Stevens, Sue Taylor, Marjorie Williams-Cooper, windflower, Yingchao Xiao
Photographs by Merry Song

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Special Sections


Speaking of Rights: Our Readers Comment (Special Issue, 2022)

Speaking of Rights: Our After the Midterms (Winter, 2023)

Challenges of Climate Change (Spring, 2023)

Censorship and Book Banning (Summer, 2023)

Government Support for the Arts (Fall, 2023)

The Everywhere Wars (Winter, 2024)
Our Readers Comment
Prose by Gail Arnoff, Denise Beck-Clark, Barbara McGillicuddy Bolton, Linda Budan, Patricia Chaloux, Patricia Dutt, Sylvia Fioelli, Marcia Calhoun Forecki, Susan Glassman, Marianne Goldsmith, Anna Gotlieb, Julia Griffin, Anke Hodenpijl, Nancy Graham Holm, Marilyn June Janson, Shirlee Jellum, Dr. Susan Jhirad, Beth Kanell, Deborah Kelly Kloepfer, Audrey Minutolo Le, Lisa Suhair Majaj, Carol Nadell, Linda F. Piotrowski, Concetta Pipia, Rosetta Radtke, Ellen Reichman, Cynthia Stock, Kathy Taylor
Illustration by Sandra Morris
Artwork by Kerfe Roig

Visions for America in this Election Year (Spring, 2024)
Our Readers Express Their Views
Sally Abbott, Rita Ariyoshi, Suzanne S. Austin-Hill, Denise Beck-Clark, Maril Crabtree, Dr. Elizabeth Barbara Brown, Patricia Burgess, Valerie Cullers, Sylvia Fiorelli, Julia Griffin, Susan K. Glassman, Mary Hiland, Margaret Hutchens, Joanne Jagoda, Marilyn June Janson, Barbara Johnson, Julie Lomoe, Hope Prosky, Rosetta Radtke, Norma S. Tucker
Illustrations by Anastasia Andersen and Ciel Downing

Election 2024: Discerning Truth in an Age of Disinformation (Summer, 2024)
Our Readers Express Their Views
Introduction by Margaret Wagner, Editor-in-Chief
Suzanne S. Austin-Hill, The Rev’d Lyn G. Brakeman, Denise Beck-Clark, Sharon Brandon, Nancy Chek, Judy Clarence, Valerie Cullers, Martha Ellen, Marta Elva, Mary Gilliland, Marianne Goldsmith, Julia Griffin, Lisa Hewitt, Mary Hiland, Bernadette Inclan, Jacqueline Lapidus, Julie Lomoe, Elizabeth MacLeish, Susan McCabe, Carol Murphy, Deborah Schmedemann, Ellen Hirning Schmidt, Sharon Scholl, Celia Schorr, Gayle Ann Weinstein, Sharon Wood Wortman
Photographs by Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka

V-Day: Hopes and Fears Surrounding the November 5 Election (Fall, 2024)
Our Readers Express Their Views
Introduction by Margaret Wagner, Editor-in-Chief
Sally Mansfield Abbott, Denise Beck-Clark, Deb Bowen, Lyn G. Brakeman, Ruth Cook, Wendy Eisner, Linda Falcao, Julia Griffin, Teresa Burns Gunther, Roxanne Lien, Julie Lomoe, Elizabeth Minihan, Linda F. Piotrowski, Anna Villegas, Johanna Wald, Judy Wells, Linda C. Wisniewski
Photographs by Suzanne S. Austin-Hill and Pam Martin


Women’s Rights: Resources (Special Issue, 2022)


Marie Anderson The Liberation of Heavenly Bodies (Spring, 2018)

Maria Espinosa Catalina, Mi Amor (Spring, 2018)

Gail B. Frank Wreckage of the Human Heart (Spring, 2018)

Daniela Gioseffi An American Dream (Summer, 2018)

Chellis Glendinning How to Cross the Border (Spring, 2018)

Cynthis Inman Graham Xoyatla Is a Proper Noun (Spring, 2018)

Margie Patlak Matriarchs and Monarchs (Summer, 2018)

Niomi Roth Phillips An American Dream (Spring, 2018)

Lenore Pimental Small Mercies (Summer, 2018)

Judy S. Richardson Working With Refugees (Spring, 2018)

Mary Jane (MJ) Roberts Apple Strudel (Summer, 2018)

Mediha Saliba Full Circle (Fall, 2018)

Ann Vander Stoep Neighbors (Winter, 2020)

Joyce Winslow The Juggler (Fall, 2018)


Insurrection – Inauguration (Winter, 2021)
A Special Section on the Extraordinary Events of January 2021
Liz Abrams-Morley, Dori Appel, Susan Baskin, Margo Berdeshevsky, Ann Boaden, Carol Dorf, Christine Emmert, Patricia Feeney, Marilyn June Janson, Elizabeth Kirkpatrick-Vrenios, Alice
Marks, Valerie L. Mathews, Lyn May, Elaine Nussbaum, Nancy Poling, Mary Russell, Rochelle Jewel Shapiro, Nina Tassi, Melody Wilson
Art by Margo Berdeshevsky, gaye gambell-peterson, Judith Fox Goldstein, Sabiha Iqbal, Elsa Lichman, windflower
Music by Gena Raps
Introduction by Jean Zorn

Corona Supplements 2020

Where I Live: Coping with Corona No. 5
The Prose
A Word from the Publisher by Jean Zorn
Essays by Julie Gardner, Mary Hood Hart, Sally Hess, Susan Hoffman, Cynthia Hogue, Lorelei Kay, Susan Lundgren, Jane Shlensky, Joanna Sit, Stephanie Stevens, Joyce Winslow, Joyce Zonana
Images by Nancy Henningsen, Sally Hess, Gena Raps

Where I Live: Coping With Corona No. 4
The Prose
Nancy Bauer-King, Margo Berdeshevsky, Carol Edelstein, Sharon Frame Gay, Louise Nayer, Lalita Noronha, Vicki Pieser, Lynne Reitman, Lois Roma-Deeley, Ann Folwell Stanford, Nancy Allen Wolter, Elizabeth Zimmer
Music by Gena Raps
Reading by Cynthia Hogue
Art by Teresa Fasolino, Susan Mills
Introduction by Jean Zorn

Love in a Time of Corona No. 3
The Poetry
Peggy Aylsworth, Luci Huhn, Sarah Kotchian, Ellen Reynard, Claire Scott, Peggy Shumaker, Amy Small-McKinney, Pam Uschuk
Art by Susan Katz, Jane P. Perry, Gena Raps, Melanie Tervalon
Music by Gena Raps
Introduction by Jean Zorn

Prose Plus
Pat Carr, Margo Davis, Judith Emilie, Susan Lundgren, Ronna Magy, Elaine Nussbaum, Susan Rees, Judy S. Richardson, Mia Kirsi Stageberg
Art by Mary Burke, Elsa Lichman, Gena Raps
Music by Carol Wincenc and Gena Raps
Introduction by Jean Zorn

Love in a Time of Corona No. 2
The Poetry
Karen Brennan, Cynthia Hogue, Diana Livi, Charlotte Mandel, Claire Massey, Elaine Piper, Joyce Ritchie, Sherri Wright
Art by Susan V. Mills, Angela Rizzuti, Barbara Woods
Introduction by Jean Zorn

The Prose
Julia Ballerini, Kitty Cunningham, Marcy Darin, Caroline Ellis, Rita Mendes-Flohr, Edvige Giunta, Alyce Guynn, Hope Niman Prosky, Sue Won
Art by Jeannette DesBoine, Barbara Wallace, Windflower
Introduction by Jean Zorn

Love in a Time of Corona No. 1
The Prose
Elaine Barnard, Gloria DeVidas Kirchheimer, Nan Fink Gefen, Patricia Gallagher, Cynthia Hogue, Carol Nadell, Jane O’Reilly, Eleanor Rubin, Carol Westreich Solomon
Music by Gena Raps. Art by Susan Florence, Francesca King
Introduction by Jean Zorn

The Poetry
Karen Brennan, Laura Budofsky Wisniewski, Nancy Collins-Warner, JP DiBlasi, Charlotte Mandel, Marian Mathews Clark, Lynn Roberts, Susan Sailer, Unc4gina
Music by Gena Raps & Carol Wincenc. Art by Francesca King
Introduction by Jean Zorn


Making Trouble (Winter, 2017)
The Editorial Board

Short Form (Spring, 2017)
Carol A. Amato, Myrna Loy Ashby, Pat Carr, Kitty Cunningham, Sandra Enos, Sophia Kouidou-Giles, Debbie L. Miller, Patricia A. Pomerleau

Long Form (Spring, 2017)
Cynthia Carbone, Melody Mansfield, Ann Vander Stoep

Troublemakers in Action (Summer, 2017)
Catherine Aks, Pat Carr, Sylvia Ramos Cruz, Sophia Kouidou-Giles, Ronna Magy, Patricia Pomerleau, Cynthia Ward

Marion Coleman’s Tee (Fall, 2017)


A Message to Our Readers, Jean Zorn, Publisher (Spring, 2022)

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court v. American Democracy, by Margaret E. Wagner and the Editors of Persimmon Tree (Summer, 2022)


Kathryn Kish Sklar    Gerda Lerner   (Spring, 2013)

Nan Fink Gefen    The Long View   (Special Issue, 2022)

Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Persimmon Tree Pays Tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg   (Fall, 2020)
Becky Boling, Mary Burke, Lucy Griffith, Ann Hedreen, Laurie Kuntz, Tricia Knoll, Jacqueline Kudler, Jacqueline Lapidus, Sue Leonard, Mary K O’Melveny, Angie Minkin, Berta Morgan, Susanna Rich, Susan Shaw Sailer, Ariel Smart, Debbie Theiss
Music selected by Gena Raps

In Memoriam

Marcia, My Friend, by Nan Gefen, Publisher Emerita (Fall, 2021)

Marcia Snares Me, by Sue Leonard, Editor (Fall, 2021)

Our Esther, by Marcia Freedman, Sue Leonard (Fall, 2011)

Katharine Spalding Cunningham, Tribute by Elizabeth Zimmer (Winter, 2024)

Guest Column

iRant, by Mary-Lou Weisman (Spring, 2023)

Traveling with My Inner Child, by Mary-Lou Weisman (Summer, 2023)

Daddy’s Girls, by Mary-Lou Weisman (Fall, 2023)

The Winners’ Circle

L. Maristatter, Valentine, Fiction (Summer, 2024)

Andi Penner, Solo Pas de Deux, Nonfiction (Summer, 2024)

Jane Zakrzewski, Home Front, Fiction (Summer, 2024)

Special Supplement

Women En/Counter Violence (Summer, 2024)
Our Readers Respond to the Call
Introduction by Margaret Wagner, Editor-in-Chief
Anonymous, Sharon Brandon, Caroline Cottom, Elaine Elinson, Amelia Diaz Ettinger, Gail B. Frank, Daniela Gioseffi, Julia Griffin, Ronnie Hess, Jo Ann Hoffman, Cynthia Hogue, Shirlee Jellum, Susan McCabe, Linda F. Piotrowski, Jude Rittenhouse, Christine Schoefer, Nancy Shiffrin, Barbara Stanton
Photographs by Merry Song

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What We’re Reading

Short Reviews (Issue 2)
Sandy Boucher, Sandra Butler, Rosie Rosenzweig, Sandra Shwagner Sanchez, Ellen Siegelman

Short Reviews (Issue 3)
Judith Arcana, Anita Barrows, Marcia Freedman, and Jane Lazarre

Short Reviews (Issue 4)
Alice Herb, Martha Roth, Nan Fink Gefen

Short Reviews (Issue 5)
E.M. Broner, Judy Gumbo Albert

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Editor’s Notes

Issue 2, Summer 2007, Nan Gefen

Issue 3, Fall 2007, Nan Gefen

Issue 4, Winter 2008, Nan Gefen

Issue 5, Spring 2008, Nan Gefen

Issue 6, Summer 2008, Nan Gefen

Issue 7, Fall 2008, Nan Gefen

Issue 8, Winter 2009, Nan Gefen

Issue 9, Spring 2009, Nan Gefen

Issue 10, Summer 2009, Nan Gefen

Issue 11, Fall 2009, Nan Gefen

Issue 12, Winter 2010, Nan Gefen

Issue 13, Spring 2010, Nan Gefen

Issue 14, Summer 2010, Nan Gefen

Issue 16, Winter 2011, Nan Gefen

Issue 17, Spring 2011, Nan Gefen

Issue 18, Summer 2011, Nan Gefen

Issue 19, Fall 2011, Nan Gefen

Issue 20, Winter 2012, Nan Gefen

Issue 21, Spring 2012, Nan Gefen

Issue 22, Summer 2012, Sue Leonard

Issue 23, Fall 2012, Sue Leonard

Issue 24, Winter 2013, Sue Leonard

Issue 25, Spring 2013, Sue Leonard

Issue 26, Summer 2013, Sue Leonard

Issue 27, Fall 2013, Sue Leonard

Issue 28, Winter 2014, Sue Leonard

Issue 29, Spring 2014, Sue Leonard

Issue 30, Summer 2014, Sue Leonard

Issue 31, Fall 2014, Sue Leonard

Issue 32, Winter 2015, Sue Leonard

Issue 33, Spring 2015, Sue Leonard

Issue 34, Summer 2015, Sue Leonard

Issue 35, Fall 2015, Sue Leonard

Issue 36, Winter 2016, Sue Leonard

Issue 37, Spring 2016, Sue Leonard

Issue 38, Summer 2016, Sue Leonard

Issue 39, Fall 2016, Sue Leonard

Issue 40, Winter, 2017: “Happy and Comfortable” Is a Horrible Myth, Christine Stewart, Jean Zorn

Issue 41, Spring 2017, Sue Leonard

Issue 42, Summer 2017, Sue Leonard

Issue 43, Fall 2017, Sue Leonard

Issue 44, Winter 2018, Sue Leonard

Issue 45, Spring 2018, Sue Leonard

Issue 46, Summer 2018, Sue Leonard

Issue 47, Fall 2018, Sue Leonard

Issue 48, Winter 2019, Sue Leonard

Issue 49, Spring 2019, Sue Leonard

Issue 50, Summer 2019, Sue Leonard

Issue 51, Fall 2019, “Knowing Toni Morrison” Sue Leonard

Issue 52, Winter 2020, “Gloria Says…” Sue Leonard

Issue 53, Spring 2020, “Variety” Sue Leonard

Issue 54, Summer 2020, “Enough!” Sue Leonard

Issue 55, Fall 2020, “Turn it All Around” Sue Leonard

Issue 56, Winter 2021, “Seriously” Sue Leonard

Issue 57, Spring 2021, “Heroics” Sue Leonard

Issue 58, Summer 2021, “Opening Up” Sue Leonard

Issue 59, Fall 2021, “Shutting Down” Sue Leonard

Issue 60, Winter 2022, “What’s Next?” Sue Leonard

Issue 61, Spring 2022, “Wrapping It All Up” Sue Leonard

Issue 62, Summer 2022, “Turn, Turn, Turn” Margaret (Peggy) Wagner

Issue 63, Fall 2022, “Equinox — and an Invitation to Readers” Margaret (Peggy) Wagner

Issue 64, Special Issue 2022, “Women’s Rights: The Challenges We Face” Margaret (Peggy) Wagner

Issue 65, Winter 2023,” Interesting Times” Margaret (Peggy) Wagner

Issue 66, Spring 2023,”Women Holding Things“: An Appreciation Margaret E. Wagner

Issue 67, Summer 2023,”What Stays Written” Margaret E. Wagner

Issue 68, Fall 2023,”Personal Touches” Margaret E. Wagner

Issue 69, Winter 2024,”Let No Charitable Hope . . .” Margaret E. Wagner

Issue 70, Spring 2024, “. . . to astonish a mean world” Margaret E. Wagner

Issue 71, Summer 2024, On Balance Margaret E. Wagner

Kaleidoscopes, Sunsets, Seasons Margaret E. Wagner

Back to top ^^


Issue 1, Spring 2007

Issue 2, Summer 2007

Issue 3, Fall 2007

Issue 4, Winter 2008

Issue 5, Spring 2008

Issue 6, Summer 2008

Issue 7, Fall 2008

Issue 8, Winter 2009

Issue 9, Spring 2009

Issue 10, Summer 2009

Issue 11, Fall 2009

Issue 12, Winter 2010

Issue 13, Spring 2010

Issue 14, Summer 2010

Issue 15, Fall 2010

Issue 16, Winter 2011

Issue 17, Spring 2011

Issue 18, Summer 2011

Issue 19, Fall 2011

Issue 20, Winter 2012

Issue 21, Spring 2012

Issue 22, Summer 2012

Issue 23, Fall 2012

Issue 24, Winter 2013

Issue 25, Spring 2013

Issue 26, Summer 2013

Issue 27, Fall 2013

Issue 28, Winter 2014

Issue 29, Spring 2014

Issue 30, Summer 2014

Issue 31, Fall 2014

Issue 32, Winter 2015

Issue 33, Spring 2015

Issue 34, Summer 2015

Issue 35, Fall 2015

Issue 36, Winter 2016

Issue 37, Spring 2016

Issue 38, Summer 2016

Issue 39, Fall 2016

Issue 40, Winter 2017

Issue 41, Spring 2017

Issue 42, Summer 2017

Issue 43, Fall 2017

Issue 44, Winter 2018

Issue 45, Spring 2018

Issue 46, Summer 2018

Issue 47, Fall 2018

Issue 48, Winter 2019

Issue 49, Spring 2019

Issue 50, Summer 2019

Issue 51, Fall 2019

Issue 52, Winter 2020

Issue 53, Spring 2020

Issue 54, Summer 2020

Issue 55, Fall 2020

Issue 56, Winter 2021

Issue 57, Spring 2021

Issue 58, Summer 2021

Issue 59, Fall 2021

Issue 60, Winter 2022

Issue 61, Spring 2022

Issue 62, Summer 2022

Issue 63, Fall 2022

Issue 64, Special Issue 2022

Issue 65, Winter 2023

Issue 66, Spring 2023

Issue 67, Summer 2023

Issue 68, Fall 2023

Issue 69, Winter 2024

Issue 70, Spring 2024

Issue 71, Summer 2024

Issue 72, Fall 2024

Poets from the West Coast

Pacific Forest by Robin Gross


Introducing Devreaux Baker

It is a deep pleasure to introduce the Guest Poetry Editor for the Western Region issue, winner of the 2014 Barbara Mandigo Kelly Peace Poetry prize from the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation (among many other honors), Devreaux Baker. It was my luck to coincide with this remarkable poet ten years ago at the Wurlitzer Foundation, and to have been privy to the extraordinary circumstances that produced her stunning third collection, The Red Willow People. The Wurlitzer is located on land where the ancient paths that connected the original three pueblos around Taos, New Mexico met many centuries ago. The only pueblo community still extant is the thriving Taos Pueblo, home to the tribe that calls itself “the red willow people.” Taos is a magical place, and sometimes it happens that inexplicable things occur there. One night Devreaux had an insistent dream of writing about the Taos Pueblo people, but because she is not Native American, she ignored it. After three nights dreaming the same dream, however, she accepted the gift and began writing the poems now collected in Red Willow as if they were channeled. She wrote one hundred pages of poetry in draft over the next week!


The poems are spare, tactile and textured. They hover between worlds: “I do not know why the ghost of the woman from the pueblo // visits me,” the poet confesses. Her task, she discovers, is to journey to that “core place // where bone meets spirit,” “the other side of air,” through time and “beyond knowing.” What the poet brings back from such shamanic journeying heals as well as instructs us. In her fifth collection, Hungry Ghosts, Devreaux walks us into the valley of loss and grief, bearing eloquent witness to the ravages of environmental degradation. She counters destruction with a piercing attention to Nature and a largesse of insight that deepens into wisdom, and a prayer so that we might “open each day/ /into its own beautiful mystery.”

I encourage you to read more of Devreaux’s beautiful poetry at your leisure. In the meantime, please settle back and enjoy the magnificent poems from the American West that she has selected for this summer issue of Persimmon Tree.


Introduction: Thirteens Poems and More

It is difficult to express the amount of gratitude I feel for being asked to judge the poems in the Western States selection. Many of the poems were written during the onset of a pandemic crisis we all share. If the question arises in times such as these as to how we navigate life in such circumstances, clearly the creation of poetry that continues to enrich, inspire, and ultimately transform our lives is one of the answers. I am honored to have had the privilege of reading poems from so many talented poets and give my sincere thanks to each and every woman who shared her work with me.





Scent of cottonwood permeates the starless night,
pungent, medicinal. A million sticky buds
damp with rain, dropped by wind, trod
by deer, mingle with river air and pine bark,
a tonic for healing.

Walking the dog
at day’s late end, breath clouds my sight
in the faint light of headlamp. Each step
a crunch of gravel or hush of grass, bathed
in humid perfume.

How long in the mist
until I’m saturated?

How long in this life
until I’m healed by what I love enough
to notice?



What the Godmothers Told of Origins

Distant lands close to home. Foreign voices,
native tongues – these are cell tissue
to us. Paradox is in our marrow
just as ghosts live in the scaffolding of our bones like

native tongues. These are cell tissue:
foxfire on the downed white pine. Our ancients live
just as breath lives in the bellows of our lungs like
wind is-and-inhabits sky.

Foxfire on downed white pine, our ancients live
wings tucked in after celestial navigation, real as
wind is – and inhabit sky.
Herons and fish fly, touch down,

wings tucked in after sensory navigation, real as –
to us – paradox is. In our marrow
herons and fish fly, touch down –
distant lands close to home, foreign voices, native tongues.


A Musical Interlude

Summer 2020

Summer 2020


Patricia Temple, The Windmill

L. Shapley Bassen, The Rains Down in Africa

Nancy Bourne, Frozen Laughter

A Sketch

Susan Gene McCartney, Train to Tozeur


Where I Live: Coping with Corona #5
A Word from the Publisher by Jean Zorn
Essays by Julie Gardner, Mary Hood Hart, Sally Hess, Susan Hoffman, Cynthia Hogue, Lorelei Kay, Susan Lundgren, Jane Shlensky, Joanna Sit, Stephanie Stevens, Joyce Winslow, Joyce Zonana
Images by Nancy Henningsen, Sally Hess, Gena Raps

View All Our Corona Supplements Here


Liliana Golubinsky, Playful in Buenos Aires


Poets from the West Coast
Introductions by Cynthia Hogue and Devreaux Baker
Poetry by Subhaga Crystal Bacon, Devreaux Baker, Carol Barrett, Gail Entrekin, Lorraine Jeffery, Sigrun Susan Lane, Eileen Malone, Judith Montgomery, Melanie Perish, Judith Quaempts, Kenith Simmons, Pat West, windflower
Photographs by Robin Gross; Illustration by Teresa Fasolino
Musical Interlude presented by Evangeline Benedetti and Pedja Muzijevic

Short Takes

Election Stories
Introduction by Jean Zorn
Short Takes by Becky Boling, Judith Emilie, Susan Emshwiller, Meredith Escudier, Diane Freedman, Leslie Neustadt, Joyce R. Ritchie, Paula Rudnick, Anne-Marie Sutton

Editor’s Page





SHORT TAKES: “Justice”


(Click Submissions for details)

Yes, I want to subscribe to Persimmon Tree

Issue 54, Summer 2020

Poetry from the Western States


We know you’ll be as moved as we’ve been by the poems our judge, Bonnie Lyons, has chosen from submissions to the Western States poetry contest. From the poignancy of Brenda Bellinger’s “Terminus,” Tricia Knoll’s “Bleached Prayer Flags,” Nan Rush’s “The Sad Women,” and Eileen Malone’s “Sundowning” to the warm comfort of Carol Barrett’s “Esther Takes In a Stray Cat” and Lori Levy’s “Purple Yams,” the poems we feature here all transport us to places we know well, and with wisdom. We travel back in time with Joanne Brown in “Ode to American Communists,” with Jeanie Greensfelder in “Red Cross Baby-Care Class, 1958,” with Catharine Clark-Sayles in “Act 2, Scene 2,” with Cynthia Hoffman in “City Terrace, East Los Angeles, 1952,” and lament the aging of the body in Catherine McGuire’s “The Final Frontier.” But there is ecstasy in Nancy Meyer’s “Undersides,” and in Bonnie Lyons’ two poems, “Dulcinea Tries to Comfort Don Quixote” and “Hineni,” we come not only to “the real / age of romantic love” but also to a place of transcendent acceptance. Enjoy them all.




Brenda Bellinger

Terminus (a pantoum)
Unfinished business gathers dust and waits
Television commercials demand attention
His weak, withered hand reaches for the remote
His eyes close tightly in response to pain

Television commercials demand attention
The swamp cooler drones and telephone rings
His eyes close tightly in response to pain
A social worker will come by with paperwork

The swamp cooler drones and telephone rings
After morphine, I see his muscles relax
A social worker will come by with paperwork
Coughing interrupts the ticking of the clock

After morphine, I see his muscles relax
He watches as I connect his feeding tube
Coughing interrupts the ticking of the clock
Sweat pools in hollows and folds of his skin

He watches as I connect his feeding tube
His weak, withered hand reaches for the remote
Sweat pools in hollows and folds of his skin
Unfinished business gathers dust and waits




Tricia Knoll

Bleached Prayer Flags
Today stuttered at faded white cotton prayer flags
over the garden gate. Children’s hands
colored them with fabric pens.
Summer bleached them into ghost messages

to plants growing fine without aphorisms.
Perhaps I saw the faded faces of bees.
Bees of the doorway. Behind the flags, red spires
of amaranth and a wheelbarrow of gourds.

I lived to see the harvest of the seed.
Now I hang a line in my studio. A thin black wire
for small banners from rice paper and glue, snipped photos
from magazines, trimmed words like wood cuts.

They will not fade, nor tease me with Tibetan.
Done with one, hang another with tiny laundry clips.
When prayer goes dry and weathered,
wash and wring out another.

Yes, first the bees. Then smartphone photos of rudbeckia,
pearly everlasting and echinacea, spreading welcome
mats in the front garden. Next gray whales ride
the line with waves, blown surf and silenced sonar.

No forgetting what hung up last week, the week before
when fall dryness came, aging that turns
the skin to leather, tough and scaled
begging for herb creams named for fairies.

When prayers dry up like a leaf
and decide to leave the tree,
a flag of gold dropped
dropped from the memory string.




Carol Barrett

Esther Takes in a Stray Cat
Abandoned like you to a fever of sand, I begged
the wind. The wind sent nothing back to mother, mother.
When the sand had done with stinging, it was my name
carried on the wind’s back. Cousin Mordecai took me in.
Empty of sleep, I let go the dead for the mirage of laughter,
a round of bread. Now this, my cousin’s hairbrush
runs the long bone of your spine, taming another
wild mane, lair of gold, downy side up on this old brace
of knees. My mother’s wedding sash played my waist –
the frayed rainbow you bat above the bed.
So I learned the grainy ways of this world,
a woman’s gait, a man’s fixed meter. You too
will learn the palace grounds, and because
you are the Queen’s kitten, not be disallowed.
For I will yet use what I have for a thing of good,
I will bend my purpose. Orphaned strangers
to court, we fathom deeds stranger than this.
I broke the King’s rule, escaped my death,
this to guard a nation’s breath. You who could not
deign your future, dared, alone and scruffy,
confront a Queen. Such an entrance, yes!

So be my Cactus Flower, the joy I wake to
when chamber curtains blow like sand through hands
that once held absence like a stone. Here give chase
to wing, the moth that enters, uninvited, the lamp oil
light of night. When thirst rebounds, lap from a petaled
bowl of hyacinths. Feast days I will slip you a rummy
sliver of pheasant, three morsels of fish, a dab
of the soft brain of a lamb. We will make of loss
a sacred thing, the waiting room of royalty. Cactus Flower,
come be King here, scarved and belled. One hundred
wives will kneel before you, clatter castanets above
your crown. When evening brings their jasmine palms,
hear their moosh, moosh quell the wind. Lift your ringed
tail high and hum. For what does one need to call a place
home, but a name, a slab of stone warm in the sun,
and a stray old cheek for that sweet cactus tongue?




Nan Rush

The Sad Women
The sad women go to Zesto’s
on a hot summer Sunday
and order plain hamburgers,
double, to go.
They sit and bask
in the air-conditioning
while the burgers cook.

The sad women wait for
their plain burgers and
remember the days when,
with zest, they licked and sucked
the sweat of their lovers
and felt their own sweat
trickle slowly down their sides
in the sticky summer heat.

Entwined with their lovers,
nothing was plain
but their love,
stark, bare,
the light through the windows
unmasking all
on those spicy summer Sundays
when food was the last thing
on their minds.




Lori Levy

Purple Yams
Our debts are magical: they keep growing and growing
like the beans Jack planted in his mother’s garden.
We, too, look for a castle in the sky,
but instead of a hen who lays golden eggs,
we glimpse the boot of the giant, stamping, crushing.

Another bill unpaid or paid partially or late.
The world shrinks to the size of a coin; my life,
the constant counting of what I have or don’t have.
I inhale scarcity, exhale scarcity.
It settles on my tongue, sharp as complaint.
Whines in my ears. Crawls like an itch along my skin.

So I borrow my son’s Discman and go to bed with a professor—
his voice soothing me, teaching me Mindfulness, Meditation.
Focus on your breath, he says. Observing without judging.
I close my eyes, pay attention to my breathing,
how it carries me away—to Stephanie, my son’s girlfriend.
To her laughter and her long, black hair. My breathing turns to
cocoa: I am sipping the Mexican hot chocolate
she made us one evening, cinnamon-flavored,
cool whip on top. And now I’m biting into
hopia, the Filipino pastries she buys for us,
flaky, filled with yams, purple yams. Ube.
I am savoring the sweetness, mesmerized by that purple,
how it lures me to meadows of iris and lavender; speaks to me
of amethyst. Of emperors in long robes.
Hopia, I murmur. Like a chant, a mantra. Hopia. Hopia.

I open my eyes. My husband lies beside me
in the semi-dark room, a spot of light on the wall
where the nightlight casts its glow.
I see purple in the shadows.




Eileen Malone

At the heel of every day, lighting in here goes
strange, as do our nursing home attendants
when we point to the bloodbath of a sunset
smashing itself onto our windows

there, there, they say, it’s not the end of the world
it is simply time for the daytime shift to go home
and the night shift to arrive, there is nothing to fear
what you have is a condition called sundown syndrome
swallow this pill, it will calm you

but the sun is bleeding itself to death sucking us
into its collapse, every sunset, every sundown
every end of every day, we swallow the pills
an old patient dies, a new patient arrives
the rest of us fall asleep in our chairs
the sun implodes, draws us closer.




Joanne Brown

Ode to American Communists
On the sidewalk soapbox in East Flatbush
my mother called out lines from leaflets
by the Young Communist League,
of her brown woolen coat
buttoned tight 
against the chill.
Some, hurrying home with herring,
sour pickles, sweet cream and strawberries,
stopped to listen as the sky grew dim
and haloed light from street lamps shone.

Workers Unite! And they did for a while
like bright coins in a purse make a dollar.
It had some good in it – at the steel and textile mills,
actors studios, government bureaus.
And there was a family feeling around the table
covered in red-checked oil cloth, set with borscht,
roast chicken, cole slaw, and coffee cake.

They were smart, they’d read Marx’s Manifesto.
They tossed their hot-potato opinions,
each in their own eyes scathingly correct,
but not heard by another for an instant
as their burning fists hit the table and my heart
leaped but could not find cover in its ribbed cage.

They took the Fifth Amendment, did not name names
though their jobs were at stake and there were children
to feed. Small ancillary soldiers, we sat at one end
of the table, eating our kugel in silence.
One of the hard-liners sat opposite me.
I looked in the mirror behind his head.
“Am I blocking your view?” he quipped.
Fifteen and not keen on dialectical materialism,
I’d been wondering if I was pretty.

When the sky grew dim, an army of fireflies arrived.
The boys tore off their pale lime lights
but I saved one in a jar. While the grownups expounded
their righteousness, I watched it light up, do what fireflies do –
warn away a predator, defend its territory, look for a mate.
But it was alone, apart from the others —
and the etching on the glass obscured its shining.




Jeanie Greensfelder

Red Cross Baby-Care Class, 1958
I pin a diaper on a naked doll and watch other
soon-to-be mothers smiling at their dollies.

The nurse corrects me: You’ll stab your baby.
You must point the pin away from its body.

Husbands stand, smoke, and laugh together.
Mine tells his barefoot and pregnant joke.

I never planned to be here, never wanted kids,
never held an infant. The nurse drones on

about burping, bathing, blanket wrapping,
baby’s floppy head, and why it might cry.

My doll stares at me—I’m back when I was six,
the day I ran to my room, grabbed my doll,

tore her clothes, yelled, yanked arms
and legs out of their sockets, tipped her head,

closing her eyes so she wouldn’t stare at me,
stupid baby with a pee-pee in the middle of her back.

Now, I want to cry.
I point my pin with care.




Catharine Clark-Sayles

Act 2, Scene 2
A poem will not change a diaper.
A poem will not catch a fish.
Having caught it,
a poem will not gut
and clean the fish
nor fry it crisp in oil.

In poems you can die of love
and die of its lack.
To write a poem is an act of love.
To read a poem is an act of love
unless it is an assignment
for eighth-grade English

where Mrs. Baker of the mustache
and jiggling arms
chalks the blackboard
with sentence diagrams
of Juliet’s speech mooning
over the balcony rail

for her Romeo; but somewhere
in that room of restless
one or two will reach through
the fence of subject/ verb,
the pickets of preposition

to find a few small words
that will fly into their ears
and inhabit with the exotic plumage
of meter and metaphor,
singing feathery songs
of what love might be.

And in the world
of diapers and frying fish
years go by
love comes and is lost
and a poem may stay
to hold it all.




Catherine McGuire

The Final Frontier
It’s hard convincing the control tower
that the mile marker says 60 –
this journey so treacherous
wasn’t rigged to reach 25.
Now the outer hull is dinged and creaky,
the pistons don’t pump like before,
extra oil to replace leaks
seems never to go far enough.
The windshield’s blurry –
smeared and dotted – the speakers crackle and fade.
The grappling hooks are clumsy; some glitch
in the wiring. Thrusters don’t, and landing gear
has lost the shock absorbers – the whole thing rattles
and just barely hangs together.
(And they say 60 is the new 40.)
The crew is still eager, though sleep-starved
and there must be more ahead
if we take it cautiously, protect the main engine,
slap a few patches on the sides…




Cynthia Hoffman

City Terrace, East Los Angeles, 1952
wooden stairs
weather worn
and steep
rise from the ground

the sun baked
swirled stucco wall
high above the cellar

where gold
peaches and apricots
gleam in canning jars
above the dirt floor

the stairs end
at the splintered landing
the screened door open
to the service porch inside

standing in bare feet
on the worn linoleum
forehead mirrored
in sweat and steam

my mother leans
over the washboard
arms deep in a sink
of blue-gray water

her elbows plunge
and rise again like wings
ancient rhythm rubbing white
my father’s work shirts



Nancy Meyer

You lie under a stand of Queen Anne’s Lace.
Five-foot tall ones, blooms held up to the sky
like candelabras. Look up
at their undersides. Light
pierces each floret, tattoos
your cheek, frilly.
Quiet, hear the bluster of bees.
If the ground is not too lumpy
under your spine, rest long enough
to inhale the astringent stalks
stroke their hairy length.

Maybe a friend lies with you, little
fingers touching along the sides,
palms sensing the first warmth
of the soil in spring.
Play along the rim of a fingernail.
Raise your clasped hands and sing
My Only Sunshine, just sing it
before you feel foolish.

Or tell stories
dizzying over and over
down grassy slopes until
you create a new world. Then
sit up, a happy sick swirl
back when
that sensation was fun.
Before you notice the itch
from the grass or mind
the stains on your shorts.

Lie here long enough
to contemplate why you don’t usually
on the ground
under Queen Anne’s Lace.
Why not,
since you are happy now.
Just imagining it.



Bonnie Lyons

Dulcinea Tries to Comfort Don Quixote
Back then,
with my full breasts
lean hips and flat belly,
you loved my body
because it was beautiful.

Now when the downward
pull of gravity and the grave
have taken a little here
added a lot more there,
you can love my body only

because it is my body.
Absurdly unexpected as all
these predictable losses,
we enter the real
age of romantic love.


What I want
is to say Hineni:
The three-in-one Hebrew word
(our verbal trinity)
meaning “Here I am” or
“I am here,”
even “I-here-am.”
The patriarchs’ answer to God’s question:
“Where are you?”
God must know where we are
so the question means
“Are you listening?
Are you present
now and here?”
Endless ways of not being here
of being in the past
or the future
or so self-
divided as to be no place
No I.
Then there is no present.
Then the present is empty–or full
only of anxiety or boredom
Arriving in Vermont
I saw a sign:
“Moose Crossing”
and wasted days
looking for that awkward-adolescent creature.
Then one evening on the screens
huge pale green moths–lunas!
and smaller violet and lemon ones–
art deco dreams–
No burning bush
but their translucent wings and
cotton candy bodies whispered
“Look at, not for.”


Summer 2016

Three in a Persimmon Tree

A Festival of the Arts

“The visual arts language is as important
as that of literary or other arts.”
– Nilima Sheikh


Weaving     Light     Sound     Bodywaves
Nobuho Nagasawa

Delectable Art for Every Day
Nilima Sheikh

This Is Our Beloved Land
Kay WalkingStick

Carving a Life
Kathran Siegel


Gorges From Within
Rita Mendes-Flohr


In Motion
Tania León


Choreographer and Independent Filmmaker
Marta Renzi


Poetry from the Western States
Bonnie Lyons, Guest Judge
Carol Barrett, Brenda Bellinger, Joanne Brown, Catharine Clark-Sayles, Jeanie Greensfelder, Cynthia Hoffman, Tricia Knoll, Lori Levy, Eileen Malone, Catherine McGuire, Nancy L. Meyer, Nan Rush

Short Takes

Arts and Crafts
Mary Ann Cook, Sharon Frame Gay, Robin Gross, Emi Hattori, Susan Hecht, Lauren Katzowitz Shenfield, Dorothy Rice. Introduction by Jean Zorn.


Table of Contents

(Click on any of these links to find what you are looking for)




Marie Anderson     Lunch Lady Sings the Blues  (Fall, 2019)

Jacqueline Ariail    First Date   (Winter, 2021)

Julia Ballerini     Gloria  (Fall, 2012)

Rita Ariyoshi     The First Kiss  (Summer, 2018)

Julia Ballerini     Gloria  (Fall, 2012)

Carolyn Banks     How I Personally and Perhaps Finally Broke Bad, and Yes, the Names Have Been Changed Because I Am Not Exactly a Dolt  (Winter, 2018)

L.S. Bassen    Portrait of a Rotary Phone   (Spring, 2015)

Anne Batzer     The Woman Next Door  (Spring, 2013)

Gillian Bennett     Snow  (Winter, 2013)

Lois Bassen    Mrs. Dalloway Isn’t Shallow   (Summer, 2011)

Carol Bergman    The Bridge   (Winter, 2010)

Drema Hall Berkheimer    Gypsy Skirt   (Spring, 2010)

Liz Betz    To Love Andy   (Winter, 2015)

Rachel Biale    The Hungarians   (Spring, 2016)

Ann Boaden     Ripping Nails, Breaking Light   (Spring, 2022)

Barbara McGillicuddy Bolton    Happiness Is… (Winter, 2019)

Barbara McGillicuddy Bolton    Sister Love (Summer, 2013)

Patricia Boomsma    Suspect (Summer, 2017)

Nancy Bourne    Memorial Mansion (Spring, 2014)

Nancy Bourne    Fading (Summer, 2018)

Mary J. Breen    A Criminal Menopause   (Summer, 2013)

Mary J. Breen    Finders Keepers   (Spring, 2017)

Julie Brickman    The Rampvan, the Skateboard and the Wheelchair   (Summer, 2017)

E.M. Broner    Life’s Adventures   (Spring, 2007)

Melinda Burns    English Garden   (Spring, 2019)

Renee Howard Cassese    Rose   (Summer, 2013)

Jean Cavrell    Early Bird Special   (Winter, 2007)

Ruth Charney    The Old Bag   (Summer, 2015)

Linda Chavez    The Vigil  (Fall, 2014)

Jennifer Clements    Contempt   (Fall, 2017)

Christie Cochrell     Child of Sky and Earth   (Spring, 2022)

Martie Collins    Relations and Friends   (Summer, 2013)

Melodie Corrigall    Helen   (Spring, 2017)

Carolyn Coyle    The New Director   (Summer, 2021)

Judith Day    Royal Flush   (Spring, 2015)

Joan Diamond    The Long View   (Winter, 2011-2012)

Rochelle Distelheim    Comfort Me with Apples   (Summer, 2012)

Ann Doyle    A Tale of Two Lobsters  (Fall, 2013)

Jacqueline Doyle    Mary Most Contrary  (Fall, 2014)

Jacqueline Doyle    Charlotte’s Puzzle (Summer, 2018)

Tessa Dratt    Orphan   (Spring, 2010)

Susan Duke    The Rendevous   (Spring, 2020)

Susan Dworkin    The Powerhouse in Khuzestan   (Winter, 2007)

Kathleen Ford    Joan’s Counsel   (Winter, 2009)

Marilyn French    The Love Children   (Spring, 2007)

Ruth Gais    The Great Blue   (Fall, 2016)

Miriam Louise Gardener    The Night the Earth Shook   (Fall, 2010)

Roberta Hartling Gates    What Babysitters Do   (Fall, 2009)

Sharon Frame Gay    Seasons   (Summer, 2019)

Carolyn Geduld    The Bad Thing   (Fall, 2019)

Gail Fishman Gerwin    The Lost Child   (Spring, 2016)

Lakshmi Gill    Holy Fool   (Winter, 2014)

Gail Gilliland    Ramona the Starlet   (Summer, 2010)

J. Carol Goodman    What Happened to Ruth  (Fall, 2020)

Clynthia Burton Graham    Unlikely Arrow  (Fall, 2017)

J.F. Gross    If Not Now, When?  (Winter, 2021)

Gilda Haber    The Man in the Mink Hat   (Summer, 2009)

Elaine Handley Hooked Up (Spring, 2021)

Judith Haran Forbidden Elegy (Spring, 2019)

Nancy Smith Harris Jury Duty (Winter, 2017)

Lois Marie Harrod    No. 2 Pencil   (Spring, 2016)

L. M. Harrod    That Mess of Pottage   (Winter, 2020)

Frances Hay    A Stake in the Future  (Summer, 2014)

Laura Davis Hays    Pride   (Winter, 2021)

Rolaine Hochstein    The Scam   (Fall, 2009)

Norah Holmgren    Sunrise Over Dolores Park   (Fall, 2009)

Faith Reyher Jackson    Window on Tomorrow   (Winter, 2008)

Gill James    Locker 13   (Summer, 2019)

Lorraine Jeffery   This Ain’t Nothin’   (Winter, 2016)

Teddy Jones    Spring Storms   (Spring, 2013)

Nell Joslin    The Wild Swans   (Winter, 2015)

Melanie Kaye / Kantrowitz    Walk on the Wild Side   (Fall, 2007)

Margaret Karmazin    Risk   (Winter, 2009)

Marilyn Ogus Katz    Witness to History   (Fall, 2016)

Debra Kennedy   The Marriage of True Minds   (Winter, 2022)

Sue Kesler   The Neighbors   (Winter, 2013)

Gloria DeVidas Kirchheimer    The Ash Tree   (Fall, 2007)

Jane Lazarre    Inheritance   (Spring, 2007)

Prudence Lev    Perky   (Summer, 2021)

Priscilla Long    The Rubble That Is the Past   (Summer, 2021)

Carol J. Luther    Play Pretties   (Spring, 2019)

Roberta Albom Liebler    Reluctant Sanctuary   (Spring, 2014)

Mary Lewis    A Good Session   (Summer, 2014)

Catharine Lucas    Prize Day   (Summer, 2015)

Jan Maher    Turn, Turn, Turn   (Fall, 2010)

Vesna Main    Baking for Love   (Winter, 2016)

Linda Maki    Water   (Spring, 2021)

Karen Mandell    Repotting   (Spring, 2012)

Melody Mansfield    Fertilizer  (Fall, 2015)

Elizabeth Mapstone    Singing the Serpentine Blues   (Winter, 2013)

Toni Martin    Sara and Us   (Winter, 2013)

Jacqueline Masumian    The Rehearsal   (Summer, 2019)

Nancy McMillan To the River (Fall, 2021)

Marion Menna    An Enormous Child   (Spring, 2009)

Charlotte G. Morgan    Prehistoric Heart   (Winter, 2018)

Hallie Moore     The Unemployed Nymph and The Glass Ceiling   (Fall, 2012)

Charlotte Morgan    What? Tell Me, What?   (Winter, 2020)

Elizabeth Morris    Wrack Line   (Fall, 2008)

Joyce H. Munro     Be Jubilant My Feet   (Winter, 2018)

Kathryn Nasuti  Cabbage Roses (Winter, 2011-12)

Joan Newburger A Bad Day in the Promised Land (Winter, 2017)

Lesléa Newman Maidel (Spring, 2017)

Lalita Noronha    Indelible Lines   (Summer, 2010)

Mary Beth O’Connor House Guests (Winter, 2022)

Katharine O’Flynn    When the Time Comes   (Summer, 2017)

Lucie Ogilvie    Damaged   (Fall, 2011)

Charlotte Painter    Rings   (Spring, 2008)

Rose Perlmutter    Pot Roast   (Summer, 2012)

Joyce Pfeiffer     Predator   (Fall, 2015)

Graziela Pimental    Aunt Rose   (Winter, 2015)

Rita Plush     Can We Talk?   (Fall, 2012)

Nancy Werking Poling     Afterlife   (Spring, 2020)

Judie Rae     A Commitment to Change   (Spring, 2014)

Joy Rathgeb     The Proper Way to Prepare Conch   (Fall, 2013)

Martha Kilgore Rice    Furthermore, She Had Never Read Anais Nin  (Fall, 2012)

Barbara Ridley     Double Latte   (Spring, 2022)

Susan Robbins    A Breath Away   (Spring, 2009)

MJ Roberts    Stick Figures   (Spring, 2013)

Sarah Rossiter    Where Will All Come Home  (Fall, 2013)

Martha Roth    Grandma Season   (Spring, 2008)

Sara Kay Rupnik    A Study of Light   (Spring, 2011)

Lenora Salvucci    Bless the Child   (Winter, 2012)

Betty J. Sayles    Self Defense   (Fall, 2013)

Carol Scott-Conner    A Life of Flames   (Fall, 2010)

Hollis Seamon    The Trojan Cat   (Spring, 2012)

Bonnie Sedgemore    Buying Love   (Summer, 2014)

Kathryn Shaver    The Armoire   (Summer, 2009)

Deborah Shouse    Beyond the Dunes   (Winter, 2010)

Alice Simpson Eldridge Street, 1902 (Fall, 2021)

Barbara Smith    The Heir   (Summer, 2014)

Louise Smith    Heartsong’s Mother   (Fall, 2008)

Eleanor Fay Snyder    Of George  (Spring, 2021)

Carol Solomon    Heartache  (Fall, 2014)

Julia Sommer    Clippings   (Winter, 2014)

Christine Stewart    A Good Tradition   (Winter, 2013)

Darlene D. Stickel    Fred and Her Big Gift   (Fall, 2020)

Liz Strachan    Holding on with Love   (Fall, 2007)

Eleanor Swent    Crape Myrtle   (Fall, 2018)

Ann G. Thomas    Mrs. Brown   (Spring, 2011)

Ann Tracy    Quiet Girls, 1960   (Winter, 2016)

Lorain Urban Corpora Caelestia (Winter, 2017)

DeEtte Beghtol Waleed    On the Bridge   (Spring, 2014)

Diana L. Walters    The Way of the Sparrow   (Winter, 2019)

Lucy Warner    Drowning Kittens   (Spring, 2011)

Gail A. Webber    Never Waste A Good Hole   (Fall, 2015)

Brenda Webster    Blind Spots   (Summer, 2008)

Linda Garman Weimer    Shrub It   (Winter, 2016)

Margot Adler Welch    Now For The Rest   (Summer, 2011)

Linda A. White    On Strike   (Fall, 2016)

Meredith Sue Willis    Feral Grandmothers: Little Red’s   (Winter, 2014)

Meredith Sue Willis Grandma Shiksa (Fall, 2021)

Avra Wing    The Anchored Wife   (Fall, 2018)

Irene Wittig    A Night at the Opera   (Summer, 2015)

Carol Wobig    What Choice Do We Have   (Winter, 2014)

J.L. Wynne    Shakespeare’s On It   (Fall, 2017)

Susan Yankowitz    Stuntwoman   (Winter, 2008)

Rona Yohalem    Dance With a Stranger   (Fall, 2011)

Keltie Zubko    More than Twelve   (Winter, 2022)

A Sketch

Susan Adam    Sins of Omission   (Fall, 2014)

Opal Palmer Adisa    My Mother Taught Herself to Drive   (Winter, 2022)

Susan B. Apel    And I Cannot Bear to Think About the Books   (Fall, 2017)

Judith Arcana    Eva Has Cancer   (Fall, 2015)

Connie Bedgood    The Hummingbird and Sam   (Winter, 2018)

Becky Boling Birthday No. 61 (Summer, 2021)

Barbara Carey Assurance and Insurance (Spring, 2021)

Bell Gale Chevigny    Sometimes Glad, Sometimes Sorry: Eighty-two-year Inventory   (Winter, 2019)

Patty Dann    Lord Byron on My Phone   (Summer, 2017)

Audrey Ferber    West Coast Swinger   (Spring, 2019)

Edith Lank    A Day in the Life   (Fall, 2016)

Susan Gene McCartney Train to Tozeur (Summer, 2020)

Cynthia Graae Breakthrough (Spring, 2022)

Carol Nadell In His Own Time (Summer, 2018)

Kathleen Rollins It Doesn’t Matter What You Say. Babies Just Like the Sound of Your Voice (Fall, 2018)

Eleanor Rubin Rete Mirable (Spring, 2020)

Moira Sauvage    The Summer Deck / La Terrasse   (Summer, 2014)
En reprise The Summer Deck / La Terrasse (Spring, 2022)

Mimi Schwartz    Fix-It Fantasy   (Winter, 2018)

Julia C. Spring River of Women (Winter, 2017)

Edna Troiano    The Secret in the Old Trunk   (Spring, 2016)

Linda Weimer What Will I Be Today? (Fall, 2020)

Chila Woychik The Rural Chronicles: Love (Fall, 2021)

Ann Zimmerman Time Enough (Summer, 2018)


Susan Dworkin    Marty’s Version – A Monologue   (Fall, 2016)


E.M. Broner    The Dancers   (Winter, 2016)

In Memoriam

Marcia, My Friend, by Nan Gefen, Publisher Emerita (Fall, 2021)

Marcia Snares Me, by Sue Leonard, Editor (Fall, 2021)

Our Esther, by Marcia Freedman, Sue Leonard (Fall, 2011)


Sally Hess    Descartes Appears, We Talk   (Winter, 2019)


Margot Adler      Why We Love Vampires   (Winter, 2013)

Paula Gunn Allen      The Perils of Being Paula   (Summer, 2007)

Sherry Ruth Anderson    A Secret I Should Be Keeping   (Summer, 2013)

Jane Ariel    Evelyn   (Winter, 2009)

Gail Arnoff    In Our Mother’s Closet   (Winter, 2016)

Gail Arnoff    In Another Closet   (Winter, 2022)

Barbarann Ayars     The Pie Queen   (Fall, 2012)

Barbara L. Baer    Shadows over the Galapagos   (Fall, 2016)

Linda Baldanzi    Rattled   (Summer, 2014)

Lygia Ballantyne    Cooking by the Book   (Spring, 2009)

Nancy Barnes    I Got to See Their Words   (Spring, 2015)

L. Shapley Bassen    The Rains Down in Africa   (Summer, 2020)

Nancy Bauer-King    Recycled   (Spring, 2016)

Margo Berdeshevsky    My Lunch with Belochka   (Summer, 2013)

Justine Blank     Thelma and Louise (not the movie)   (Fall, 2012)

Annette Berkovits    Rebel With a Cause   (Spring, 2014)

Savitri L. Bess    Unexpected   (Winter, 2009)

Sheryl J. Bize-Boutte    Dead Chickens and Miss Anne   (Spring, 2012)

Bonnie Lee Black    Youth and Beauty   (Fall, 2008)

Martha Boesing    Parker Lake Jail   (Spring, 2014)

Patricia Boswell    The Visit   (Summer, 2021)

Sandy Boucher    Friendship and Change with Tillie Olsen   (Spring, 2007)

Nancy Bourne    Frozen Laughter   (Summer, 2020)

Katherine Bradway    On Approaching My Hundreth Year   (Summer, 2009)

Rev. Lyn G. Brakeman    Becoming a Woman Priest   (Winter, 2012)

Donna Bridewell    Molecules   (Spring, 2022)

Janet Brof    Holding Ground   (Fall, 2013)

Spotted Earth Woman/Gloria Brooks; Yvonne Rand; Victoria Rue Unfolding: Women’s Spiritual Paths   (Fall, 2010)

Dorothy Bryant    Pushing Eighty-Still Pushing Books   (Summer, 2009)

Sandra Butler    Tiptoeing Toward Seventy   (Summer, 2009)

Sandra Butler    Repairs   (Spring, 2017)

Sandra Butler    Full Body Scan   (Winter, 2020)

Michelle Cacho-Negrete    On The Fire Escape   (Winter, 2007)

Pat Carr    Prom Dress  (Summer, 2014)

Myriam Chapman    Disgust, (or What We Do for Love)   (Spring, 2019)

Leslie Clark    Snake Rain  (Winter, 2022)

Bell Gale Chevigny    Desire Is the Best Crutch   (Spring, 2013)

Bell Gale Chevigny    Our Robbery   (Spring, 2014)

Marian Mathews Clark    Getting There   (Fall, 2008)

Jenny Clover    Smog Check   (Spring, 2015)

Patty Cogen    If You Want to Change Your Life, Begin with Your Underwear   (Winter, 2014)

Kathleen Collins   Possibilities   (Spring, 2022)

Ruth Crocker    My Buddy’s Hat   (Winter, 2013)

Jane DiVita Woody   The System   (Winter, 2020)

Mary Donaldson-Evans   Not for Sissies?   (Spring, 2022)

Dawn Downey   The Cleaning Women   (Summer, 2017)

Carol M. Downie    My Snake   (Fall, 2013)

Dora Dueck    Reunion  (Fall, 2020)

Phyllis Dunham    The Things You Held Sacred   (Fall, 2015)

Susanne Dutton   Medium Well   (Winter, 2019)

Rosanne Ehrlich Another Disney Fan Bites the Dust (Winter, 2017)

Jane C. Elkin Shades of Love and Duty (Spring, 2022)

Meredith Escudier    Like it or Not   (Summer, 2013)

Karen Frank, Susan Pope, Carrie Lugar Slayback, Adriane St. Clare    Pushing Through   (Spring, 2011)

Marcia Freedman    Going Back   (Spring, 2008)

Jean Gochros    What to Do About Danielle   (Fall, 2017)

Vivian Gornick    Turning Sixty   (Summer, 2009)

Claudia A. Geagan    Wife   (Winter, 2014)

Nan Fink Gefen    Change and All That   (Spring, 2012)

Nan Fink Gefen    Down the Rabbit Hole: My Adventures in Publishing   (Winter, 2014)

Daniela Gioseffi Everything Happens for a Reason? (Winter, 2017)

Jane Hanser    The Registry   (Summer, 2013)

Linda Hirschhorn    Yes I Will Dance  (Fall, 2013)

Susan Hoffman    The Anxious Stitch   (Winter, 2018)

Mary Alice Hostetter   Reclaiming Good Bones   (Spring, 2020)

Ruth Hunter    Circles of Hope   (Winter, 2007)

Joan Shaddox Isom   Four Laps in August   (Summer, 2008)

Carol Jeffers   Covenant   (Fall, 2018)

Barbara Johnson & Billie Mulkey    Hardscrabble Times   (Winter, 2009)

Susan E. Johnson    Edward Nicholas  (Fall, 2014)

Claire Kahane  My Mother’s Story: Memento Mori   (Winter, 2021)

Kay Jorgensen, Mary Risala Laird, Rabbi Leah Novick  Unfolding: Women’s Spiritual Paths   (Winter, 2010)

Suzanne Juhasz   Classroom Ballerina: The Sequel   (Winter, 2013)

Frances Kappler   Monster   (Winter, 2015)

Jane Kays Maryann (Winter, 2017)

Barbara Rady Kazdan   Don’t Tell Hubby   (Winter, 2019)

Barbara Rady Kazdan The Mourning Fog (Winter, 2021)

Deborah Kent   Where Is the Ladies’ Room, Anyway?   (Fall, 2014)

Gloria DeVidas Kirchheimer   My Life in Pieces   (Summer, 2015)

Nancy Kline   Florida   (Summer, 2010)

Nancy Kline   Terrifying Tales   (Spring, 2020)

Lisa Knopp  Lure   (Summer, 2019)

Eva Kollisch    Father   (Fall, 2007)

Edith Konecky   Soup   (Winter, 2007)

Sophia Kouidou-Giles  Under the Azure Sky   (Spring, 2016)

Carolyn Kraus   Animus   (Summer, 2012)

Jane T. Krebs   Peaches   (Spring, 2021)

Michele Landsberg   Activism Is My Modus Operandi   (Spring, 2014)

Mary Martha Lappe   Dancing with the Stripes   (Winter, 2015)

Roz Leiser   Reluctant Bride  (Summer, 2014)

Joan Lester   Naps   (Fall, 2007)

Shoshana Levenberg   In My Name   (Spring, 2020)

Carol Levine  The Fruit of the Apple Tree   (Fall, 2015)

Aurora M. Lewis    My Cowgirl Blues   (Fall, 2017)

Flossie Lewis  Maude’s Pill   (Winter, 2015)

Sue Fagalde Lick  When You Can’t Even Get Drunk   (Spring, 2019)

Mardith Louisell  The Long Shower   (Spring, 2017)

Abby Luby      (Summer, 2019)

Barbara Mahone    A Tuskegee Story  (Summer, 2014)

Melody Mansfield    Gouache Rhymes with Squash  (Fall, 2020)

Catherine Mathews    The Girl by the Door  (Summer, 2021)

Caroline Ames McCoy    The Story of Asher   (Summer, 2010)

Stephanie Wilson Medlock    Keeping Score   (Summer, 2013)

Debbie L. Miller    But, I’m a Girl   (Fall, 2017)

Nina Mishkin    A Story   (Spring, 2010)

Susan Moon   What If I Never Have Sex Again?   (Summer, 2008)

Jean P. Moore    Finding Charles   (Summer, 2011)

Jane P. Morgan    The Normal Aging Process   (Fall, 2013)

Christina Mowle    The Distorting Eye   (Summer, 2017)

Lisa Mullenneaux    The Vanishing Point: Artists Respond to Climate Change   (Spring, 2017)

ruie Mullins    At the Plaza   (Winter, 2015)

Daphne Muse    Gettin’ Sixty   (Spring, 2007)

Susan Neville    Billow  (Fall, 2020)

Emily Newberry    The First Steps   (Winter, 2016)

Sally Nielsen    The Bootleg Daughter   (Fall, 2011)

Sally Nielsen    Profundity   (Fall, 2018)

Hope Nisly    Never Take a Drop of H2O Lightly   (Winter, 2020)

Lee Haas Norris   A Woman’s Got to Do  (Winter, 2011-12)

Lee Haas Norris   BFF  (Fall, 2016)

Patty Anne O’Hara     A Hot Couple?   (Winter, 2018)

Jane O’Reilly     Diary of a Political Education   (Fall, 2016)

Elaine Neil Orr     Falling   (Winter, 2018)

Paula Phipps     That Invisible Door Between Us and the Homeless   (Fall, 2014)

Lenore Pimental     First Sit Up Straight   (Fall, 2012)

Melba Pitts    God Nodded   (Summer, 2018)

Leanne Phillips    Growing an Avocado Tree from Seed   (Winter, 2022)

Letty Cottin Pogrebin     Cover-Up Creep   (Summer, 2015)

Patricia Pomerleau    Gay March   (Fall, 2015)

Joan Potter    Turning Elderly   (Winter, 2022)

Anna Rabkin    Southern Sixties   (Summer, 2012)

Margaret Randall    Coyote Grin  (Fall, 2011)

L. J. Reed    The Cribbage Master (Spring, 2012)

Bethany Reid    About a Marriage, from A to Zed (Fall, 2021)

Ruth Resch    Through the Eyes Of… (Fall, 2009)

Ruth Resch    Travel Agent (Spring, 2016)

Ruth Resch    Requiem for My Beloved (Summer, 2018)

Phyllis Jane Rose    Sisters: A Digital Story (Spring, 2010)

Carole Rosenthal   Whose Lie Is This?   (Summer, 2007)

Deborah Ross    Barbie’s Bleak House; or, Married with Furniture (Spring, 2021)

Mediha Saliba    Quilts in Life   (Winter, 2013)

Adina Sara    Holy Days   (Fall, 2021)

Roussel Sargent    Reaching Ninety   (Summer, 2009)

Adrienne Sciutto    The Sophie Stories   (Fall, 2019)

Shizue Seigel    Of Christmas and Karma   (Winter, 2016)

Alice Shalvi    Point of (No) Return   (Summer, 2012)

Kaelin McGee Shipley    Letting Go   (Spring, 2019)

Harriet Squier    The ICU   (Summer, 2019)

Patricia Temple    The Windmill   (Summer, 2020)

Jo Ann(e) Valentine (Pascoe) Simson (Smith)    What’s in a Name?   (Spring, 2015)

Ann Warren Smith   Getting to the Heart   (Fall, 2014)

Ann St James    Ed Is Dead   (Spring, 2013)

Laura Tamakoshi    “The White Woman Will Eat You!”   (Spring, 2015)

Lynn Taylor    “AC”   (Spring, 2015)

Monona Wali    The Resistance of Shakuntala   (Summer, 2021)

Mary C. Waters    Weaving Lesson   (Winter, 2013)

Mary Watkins    Learning from Liberace   (Spring, 2008)

Gayle Ann Weinstein    Meet Me on the Corner   (Winter, 2014)

Ernestine Whitman Musical Themes (Winter, 2021)

Nancy Wick Just Like Me (Winter, 2017)

Laurey Williams Twins (Fall, 2021)

Mitsuye Yamada    Red Shoes and Milk Baths   (Summer, 2011)

Sondra Zeidenstein    Old Woman, New Poems (Spring, 2010)

Mary Zelinka    Boundaries (Winter, 2019)

Elizabeth Zimmer    North Wing (Spring, 2013)


Vivian Gornick      Feminism in These Times   (Spring, 2015)

Suzanne Juhasz, Cleo Kocol, Tricia Knoll, Kathy Merlino, Janet Sunderland, Edna Troiano
Responses to Vivian Gornick’s Feminism in These Times   (Summer, 2015)

Lucy Marx      The Reckoning of Junot Diaz   (Fall, 2019)

Responses to Lucy Marx The Reckoning of Junot Díaz (Winter, 2020)

Insurrection – Inauguration (Winter, 2021)
A Special Section on the Extraordinary Events of January 2021
Liz Abrams-Morley, Dori Appel, Susan Baskin, Margo Berdeshevsky, Ann Boaden, Carol Dorf, Christine Emmert, Patricia Feeney, Marilyn June Janson, Elizabeth Kirkpatrick-Vrenios, Alice Marks, Valerie L. Mathews, Lyn May, Elaine Nussbaum, Nancy Poling, Mary Russell, Rochelle Jewel Shapiro, Nina Tassi, Melody Wilson
Art by Margo Berdeshevsky, gaye gambell-peterson, Judith Fox Goldstein, Sabiha Iqbal, Elsa Lichman, windflower
Music by Gena Raps
Introduction by Jean Zorn

Corona Supplements 2020

Where I Live: Coping with Corona No. 5
The Prose
A Word from the Publisher by Jean Zorn
Essays by Julie Gardner, Mary Hood Hart, Sally Hess, Susan Hoffman, Cynthia Hogue, Lorelei Kay, Susan Lundgren, Jane Shlensky, Joanna Sit, Stephanie Stevens, Joyce Winslow, Joyce Zonana
Images by Nancy Henningsen, Sally Hess, Gena Raps

Where I Live: Coping With Corona No. 4
The Prose
Nancy Bauer-King, Margo Berdeshevsky, Carol Edelstein, Sharon Frame Gay, Louise Nayer, Lalita Noronha, Vicki Pieser, Lynne Reitman, Lois Roma-Deeley, Ann Folwell Stanford, Nancy Allen Wolter, Elizabeth Zimmer
Music by Gena Raps
Reading by Cynthia Hogue
Art by Teresa Fasolino, Susan Mills
Introduction by Jean Zorn

Love in a Time of Corona No. 3
The Poetry
Peggy Aylsworth, Luci Huhn, Sarah Kotchian, Ellen Reynard, Claire Scott, Peggy Shumaker, Amy Small-McKinney, Pam Uschuk
Art by Susan Katz, Jane P. Perry, Gena Raps, Melanie Tervalon
Music by Gena Raps
Introduction by Jean Zorn

Prose Plus
Pat Carr, Margo Davis, Judith Emilie, Susan Lundgren, Ronna Magy, Elaine Nussbaum, Susan Rees, Judy S. Richardson, Mia Kirsi Stageberg
Art by Mary Burke, Elsa Lichman, Gena Raps
Music by Carol Wincenc and Gena Raps
Introduction by Jean Zorn

Love in a Time of Corona No. 2
The Poetry
Karen Brennan, Cynthia Hogue, Diana Livi, Charlotte Mandel, Claire Massey, Elaine Piper, Joyce Ritchie, Sherri Wright
Art by Susan V. Mills, Angela Rizzuti, Barbara Woods
Introduction by Jean Zorn

The Prose
Julia Ballerini, Kitty Cunningham, Marcy Darin, Caroline Ellis, Rita Mendes-Flohr, Edvige Giunta, Alyce Guynn, Hope Niman Prosky, Sue Won
Art by Jeannette DesBoine, Barbara Wallace, Windflower
Introduction by Jean Zorn

Love in a Time of Corona No. 1
The Prose
Elaine Barnard, Gloria DeVidas Kirchheimer, Nan Fink Gefen, Patricia Gallagher, Cynthia Hogue, Carol Nadell, Jane O’Reilly, Eleanor Rubin, Carol Westreich Solomon
Music by Gena Raps. Art by Susan Florence, Francesca King
Introduction by Jean Zorn

The Poetry
Karen Brennan, Laura Budofsky Wisniewski, Nancy Collins-Warner, JP DiBlasi, Charlotte Mandel, Marian Mathews Clark, Lynn Roberts, Susan Sailer, Unc4gina
Music by Gena Raps & Carol Wincenc. Art by Francesca King
Introduction by Jean Zorn


A Message to Our Readers, Jean Zorn, Publisher (Spring, 2022)


Marie Anderson The Liberation of Heavenly Bodies (Spring, 2018)

Maria Espinosa Catalina, Mi Amor (Spring, 2018)

Gail B. Frank Wreckage of the Human Heart (Spring, 2018)

Daniela Gioseffi An American Dream (Summer, 2018)

Chellis Glendinning How to Cross the Border (Spring, 2018)

Cynthis Inman Graham Xoyatla Is a Proper Noun (Spring, 2018)

Margie Patlak Matriarchs and Monarchs (Summer, 2018)

Niomi Roth Phillips An American Dream (Spring, 2018)

Lenore Pimental Small Mercies (Summer, 2018)

Judy S. Richardson Working With Refugees (Spring, 2018)

Mary Jane (MJ) Roberts Apple Strudel (Summer, 2018)

Mediha Saliba Full Circle (Fall, 2018)

Ann Vander Stoep Neighbors (Winter, 2020)

Joyce Winslow The Juggler (Fall, 2018)


Making Trouble (Winter, 2017)
The Editorial Board

Short Form (Spring, 2017)
Carol A. Amato, Myrna Loy Ashby, Pat Carr, Kitty Cunningham, Sandra Enos, Sophia Kouidou-Giles, Debbie L. Miller, Patricia A. Pomerleau

Long Form (Spring, 2017)
Cynthia Carbone, Melody Mansfield, Ann Vander Stoep

Troublemakers in Action (Summer, 2017)
Catherine Aks, Pat Carr, Sylvia Ramos Cruz, Sophia Kouidou-Giles, Ronna Magy, Patricia Pomerleau, Cynthia Ward

Marion Coleman’s Tee (Fall, 2017)


Kathryn Kish Sklar    Gerda Lerner   (Spring, 2013)

Persimmon Tree Pays Tribute to Ruth Bader Ginsburg   (Fall, 2020)
Becky Boling, Mary Burke, Lucy Griffith, Ann Hedreen, Laurie Kuntz, Tricia Knoll, Jacqueline Kudler, Jacqueline Lapidus, Sue Leonard, Mary K O’Melveny, Angie Minkin, Berta Morgan, Susanna Rich, Susan Shaw Sailer, Ariel Smart, Debbie Theiss
Music selected by Gena Raps


Emma Goldman    Reflections on Aging   (Spring, 2010)

Florida Scott-Maxwell    From
The Measure of My Days
   (Fall, 2009)


E.M. Broner and Mary Gordon    The Writing Life   (Winter, 2008)

Susan Griffin & Maxine Hong Kingston The Open Heart Is a Force For Peace   (Winter, 2010)

Irena Klepfisz and Nancy Stoller    Lives of Confinement   (Summer, 2010)

Sue Leonard and Lilly Rivlin    Story Teller   (Spring, 2014)

Sue Leonard and Toshi Seeger    Interview   (Summer, 2012)

Music, Dance & Theatre

Terry Joan Baum     Mom Comes Out   (Fall, 2012)

Alina Bloomgarden     Jazz Visionary   (Spring, 2021)
interviewed by Gena Raps, Music Editor

Jane Ira Bloom     Jazz Saxophonist and Composer   (Summer, 2021)
interviewed by Gena Raps, Music Editor

Martha Boesing     Song of the Magpie   (Summer, 2007)

Donna Weng Friedman     Stories from the Piano   (Winter, 2022)
Interview by Gena Raps, Music Editor

Yoko Takebe Gilbert  Mothering Musicians  (Spring, 2022)
Interview by Gena Raps, Music Editor

Tania León  In Motion  (Summer, 2016)

Margaret Leng Tan     Toi, Toi, Toy   (Fall, 2018)

Emily Levine     Off to the Races   (Fall, 2012)

Naomi Newman    Five Scenes   (Spring, 2008)

Gena Raps    An Interview with Thea Musgrave (Spring, 2009)

Gena Raps    Creative Collaboration: Elinor Armer and Ursula Le Guin   (Fall, 2010)

Gena Raps     An Interview with Evangeline Benedetti   (Fall, 2012)

Gena Raps    Carol Winsenc: The Magician of the Flute   (Winter, 2013)

Gena Raps     Pianist to Pianist: Gena Raps interviews Ursula Oppens (Spring, 2017)

Oxana Yablonskaya, Gena Raps    A Musical Life From Moscow to New York   (Fall, 2013)

Marta Renzi   Choreographer and Independent Filmmaker   (Summer, 2016)

Dorothy Roberts    I Loved Him   (Fall, 2015)

Elizabeth Zimmer    An Interview with Anita Hollander   (Sprint, 2020)


Frances Payne Adler, Guest Editor   International Poets   (Summer, 2015)
Frances Payne Adler, Margo Berdeshevsky, Lakshmi Gill, Shareen Knight, Lesley Lababidi, Gila Landman, Anita Lerek, Althea Romeo-Mark

Dare I Call You Cousin, poetry by Frances Payne Adler (Spring, 2022)
The Way of the Matriot: On the Poetry of Frances Payne Adler, an introduction by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor

Judith Arcana, Guest Editor   Northeast Region Poetry   (Fall, 2008)
Annette Basalyga, Barbara Crooker, Susan Donnelly, Lynnel Jones, Jacqueline Lapidus, Elizabeth Lara, Alicia Ostriker, Minnie Bruce Pratt, Becky Dennison Sakellariou, Sondra Zeidenstein

Christianne Balk, Guest Editor   West Coast Poetry   (Summer, 2018)
Kathleen Joy Anderson, Marri Champié, Linda Conroy, Ginger Dehlinger, Suzanne Edison, Gail Entrekin, Susan Landgraf, Joan Moritz, Penelope Scambly Schott, Judith Skillman, Stephanie Striffler

Cynthia Hogue and Devreaux Baker, Introductions   Poets from the West Coast   (Summer, 2020)
Poetry by Subhaga Crystal Bacon, Devreaux Baker, Carol Barrett, Gail Entrekin, Lorraine Jeffery, Sigrun Susan Lane, Eileen Malone, Judith Montgomery, Melanie Perish, Judith Quaempts, Kenith Simmons, Pat West, windflower
Photographs by Robin Gross; Illustration by Teresa Fasolino
Musical Interlude presented by Evangeline Benedetti and Pedja Muzijevic

Wendy Barker, Guest Editor   International Poetry   (Fall, 2010)
Margo Berdeshevsky, Jo Carroll, Tamra Hays, Jennifer Hedges, Lisa Katz, Katharine O’Flynn, Becky Sakellariou, Wallis Wilde-Menozzi

Wendy Barker   Eleven Poems   (Spring, 2013)
Introduction: Alicia Ostriker, An Introduction to Wendy Barker’s Poetry

Aliki Barnstone, Guest Judge    Seventeen Poems:
Poetry from the Central States
   (Winter, 2021)
Aliki Barnstone, Nancy Lael Braun, Jacqueline Brogan, Wendy Cleveland, Jeanne Emmons, Ann Fisher-Wirth, Margaret Hasse, Pauletta Hansel, Judith Sanders, Annette Sisson, Rebecca A.
Spears, Bonnie Larson Staiger, Dawn Terpstra, Drucilla Wall, LaWanda Walters, Patricia Jabbeh Wesley
Introducing Aliki Barnstone by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor
Music by Gena Raps

Dr. Tina Barr, Guest Judge    Poets from Elsewhere   (Summer, 2021)
Introducing Tina Barr by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor
Tina Barr, Margo Berdeshevsky, Nicole Brossard, Lam Thi My Da, Dubravka Djuric, Elizabeth Mornin, Liana Sakelliou, Susan Wicks, Linda Stern Zisquit

Margo Berdeshevsky, Guest Editor    Poems from the Central North States   (Winter, 2015)
Kathleen Dale, Mary Moore Easter, Susan Fox, Mary Hotlen, Linda Maki, Beverly Offen, Mary Kay Rummel, Barbara Kreader Skalinder, Gayle Ann Weinstein

Chana Bloch   Twelve Poems   (Winter, 2009)
Introduction: Anita BarrowsWriting a Woman’s Life 

Chana Bloch   Fifteen Poems   (Spring, 2015)
Interview: Wendy BarkerChana Bloch’s Swimming in the Rain: Writing a Woman’s Life 

Beverley Bie Brahic, Guest Judge    Poems from the Central States   (Spring, 2012)
Liz Abrams-Morley, Jane Harrington Bach, Dorothy Brooks, Penny Hackett-Evans, Susan Mallory, Charlene Neely, Susan W. Peters, Nancy Paddock, Patti Capel Swartz, Judith Weir, M.J. Werthman White

Jill Breckenridge, Guest Editor    Poems from the Southern States   (Fall, 2009)
Nancy Calhoun, Margery Cunningham, Ann Fisher-Wirth, Jane Ellen Glasser, Rand (Silverbear) Hall, Joan Mazza, Merimee Moffitt, Margaret S. Mullins, Gail Peck, Diana Pinckney, Barbara Rockman, Sue Walker

Fleda Brown, Guest Editor    International Poets   (Fall, 2012)
Margo Berdeshevsky, Fleda Brown, Malinda Crispin, Eva Eliav, Mori Glaser, Chellis Glendinning, Lois Elaine Heckman, Venie Holmgren, Jo Milgrom, Lalita Noronha, Katharine O’Flynn, Althea Romeo-Mark, Barbara A Taylor

Fleda Brown    Ten Poems   (Fall, 2014)
Introduction: Wendy BarkerIntroduction to Fleda Brown’s Poetry

Marilyn Chin    Erudite Poet   (Fall, 2018)

Lucille Lang Day, Guest Editor Poetry from the Central States (Winter, 2017)
Mary Jo Balistreri, Judith Waller Carroll, Maria Crabtree, Lucille Lang Day, Janet Ruth Heller, Judy Johnson, Dawn McDuffie, Donna Pucciani, Marjorie Stamm Rosenfeld, Ruth Schmidt-Baeumler, Ann Falwell Stanford, Judith Weir, Veronica Zuege

Alice Friman, Guest Editor    Poems from the Northeast Region   (Summer, 2013)
Annette Basalyga, Alice Casey, Jean-Marie J. Crocker, Christina Wos Donnelly, Penny Harter, Kathleen M. Kelley, Jacqueline Lapidus, Christine O’Connor, Paula Phipps, Sb Sobel

Alice Friman, Guest Editor    Central States Poets   (Winter, 2019)
Wendy Taylor Carlisle, Judith Waller Carroll, Wendy Cleveland, Jane Desmond, Gail Goepfert, Amy Haddad, Pam Kreis-Dunn, Sigi Leonhard, Dawn McDuffie, Donna Pucciani, Catherine Senne Wallace

Andrea Hollander, Guest Editor   North Central States Poetry  (Spring, 2010)
Maril Crabtree, Penny Hacket-Evans, Eve Hooker, Deena Linett, Nancy Paddock, Linda Robiner, Mary Kay Rummel, Elizabeth Schultz, Catherine Wallace, M.J. White

Lucille Clifton    Twelve Poems   (Winter, 2008)
Introduction: Toi DerricotteAbout Lucille Clifton

Martha Collins    Twelve Poems   (Spring, 2014)
Introduction: Wendy BarkerIntroduction to Martha Collins

Rita Dove   Twelve Poems   (Winter, 2012)
Introduction: Erika Meitner,  Introduction to Rita Dove

Toi Derricotte   Poems   (Fall, 2007)
Introduction: Madeline Tiger,  Introduction

Ali Friman   Eleven Poems   (Fall, 2015)
Introduction: Wendy Barker,  On the Poetry of Alice Friman

Joy Harjo   Twelve Poems   (Fall, 2013)
Introduction: Wendy Barker,  An Introduction To Joy Harjo

Linda Hogan   Nine Poems   (Fall, 2017)
Introduction: Peggy ShumakerIntroduction to Linda Hogan’s Poetry

Cynthia Huntington   The Holiday Suicides   (Spring, 2019)
Introduction: Cynthia HogueIntroduction to the Poetry of Cynthia Huntington

Tess Gallagher    Eleven Poems   (Summer, 2008)
Introduction: Alice Derry, Tess Gallagher: An Audacious Poet

Tess Gallagher Fourteen Poems from Is, Is Not (Fall, 2021)
Introduction by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor

Sandra M. Gilbert   Ten Poems   (Winter, 2010)
Introduction: Susan GubarIntroducing Sandra Gilbert’s Poetry

Maria Mazziotti Gillan, Guest Editor   West Coast Poetry   (Winter, 2014)
Donna L. Emerson, Christine Horner, Dallas Huth, Joanne Jagoda, Maria Mazziotti Gillan, Dian Gillmar, Aurora M. Lewis, Carolyn Martin, Penny Perry, Judith Kelly Quaempts, Elizabeth Stoessl

Mary Gilliland, Guest Judge   Poetry from the East Coast   (Winter, 2022)
Introduction to Mary Gilliland by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor
Introduction to East Coast Poets, by Mary Gilliland, Guest Judge
Pamela Ahlen, Irene Apostoleris, Rachel Elion Baird, Regina Dilgen, Jan Freeman, Debra Kaufman, Sandra Kohler, Monifa Love, Janet MacFadyen, Kate Ravin, Harriet Shenkman, Pamela Wax

Lorrie Goldensohn, Guest Editor   West Coast Poetry   (Spring, 2009)
Anne Barrows, Ellen Bass, Gail Rudd Entrekin, Marcia Falk, Cooper Gallegos, Dorothy Gilbert,
Muriel Karr, Sally Allen McNall, Judith Montgomery

Marilyn Hacker    Ten Poems   (Summer, 2012)
Introduction: Alicia OstrikerMarilyn Hacker: Poetry of Anger and Love

Barbara Hamby    Ten Poems   (Fall, 2016)
Introduction: Wendy BarkerThe Razzle-Dazzle of Barbara Hamby

Patricia Spears Jones   The Poetry of Patricia Spears Jones   (Fall, 2019)
Introduction by Cynthia Hogue 

Carolyn Kizer   Poems   (Spring, 2008)
Introduction: Diana O’HehirCarolyn Kizer’s Poetry

Maxine Kumin   Poems   (Winter, 2007)
Introduction: Alicia Ostriker,  Maxine Kumin: An Introduction

Bonnie Lyons, Guest Editor   Poetry from the Western States   (Summer, 2016)
Carol Barrett, Brenda Bellinger, Joanne Brown, Catharine Clark-Sayles, Jeanie Greensfelder, Cynthia Hoffman, Tricia Knoll, Lori Levy, Eileen Malone, Catherine McGuire, Nancy L. Meyer, Nan Rush

Charlotte Mandel, Guest Editor   East Coast Poetry   (Winter, 2016)
Kathleen Corcoran, Darcy Cummings, Susan Deer Cloud, Laurel Ferejohn, Penny Harter, Adele Kenny, Claire Keyes, Charlotte Mandel, Susanna Rich, Helen Ruggieri, Marianne Schloss, Carole Stone, Davi Walters

Marilyn Nelson   Poems   (Spring, 2018)

Naomi Shihab Nye   Twelve Poems   (Winter, 2013)
Introduction: Wendy Barker,  An Introduction to Naomi Shihab Nye’s Poetry

Alicia Ostriker   Poems   (Summer, 2010)
Introduction: Wendy Barker, Penetrating Surfaces

Diana O’Hehir   Poems   (Summer, 2009)

Grace Paley   Poems   (Summer, 2007)
Introduction: E.M. Broner, My Pal Paley

Hilda Raz, Guest Editor   International Poets   (Summer, 2017)
Caroline Cottom, Meredith Escudier, Sharon Goodier, Lois Elaine Heckman, S.E. Ingraham, Ellen S. Jaffe, Kath Jonathan, Benita Kape, Sarah Thomson, Joanne Veiss-Zaken.

Kay Ryan   Sixteen Poems   (Summer, 2011)
Introduction: Chana Bloch, Kay Ryan’s Poems

Peggy Shumaker, Guest Editor  Poems from the Southern States   (Summer, 2014)
Judith Waller Carroll, Wendy White Cleveland, Jo Ann Steger Hoffman, Ann Neuser Lederer, Janet McCann, Elizabeth Oakes, Diana Pinckney, Elena Lelia Radulescu, Susan Shaw Sailer, Mary Kay Schoen, Bonnie Stanard, Peggy Shumaker, Memye Curtis Tucker, Alice Toporoff Wallace, Sarah Webb, Dede Wilson, Sally Zakariya

Peggy Shumaker  Ten Poems   (Spring, 2017)
Introduction: Wendy Barker On the Poems of Peggy Shumaker

Maurya Simon, Editor   East Coast Poetry   (Winter, 2018)
Pamela Ahlen, Henrietta Dahlstrom, Anne Harding Woodworth, Josephine Hausam, W.J. Herbert, Kathryn Kelly, Sandra Kohler, Susan Kress, Jacqueline Lapidus, Ethel Paquin, Deborah Pfeffer, Meredith Trede.

Patricia Smith   A Dozen Poems   (Spring, 2016)
Introduction: Wendy Barker, Introduction to Patricia Smith’s Poetry

Sue Standing   East Coast Poets   (Winter, 2020)
L.R. Berger, Paula Bonnell, Debra Cash, Barbara Daniels, Merrill Oliver Douglas, Kate Flaherty, Amy Gottlieb, JoAnn Hoffman, Claire Keyes, Jacqueline Lapidus, Ann Taylor, Sarah Brown Weitzman, Sue Standing.

Hannah Stein, Guest Editor   East Coast Poetry   (Spring, 2011)
Sasha Ettinger, Sandra Kohler, Janet Krauss, Diana Pinckney, Marjorie Norris, Susan Roche, Ada Jill Schneider, Dorothy Schiff Shannon, Carole Stone, Dale Tushman

Ruth Stone   Poems   (Spring, 2007)
Introduction: Sandra Gilbert, On Ruth Stone

Julie Suk, Guest Editor  Poetry from the Western States   (Fall, 2011)
Katy Brown, Margaret Chula, Joanne M. Clarkson, Gail Rudd Entrekin, Grace Marie Grafton, Taylor Graham, Kelley Jácquez, Meredith Kunsa, Penelope Scrambly Schott, Edythe Haendel Schwartz, Florence Weinberger, Pat Phillips West

Heather Thomas, Guest Editor  International Poets   (Summer, 2019)
Karen Alkalay-Gut, Patricia Díaz Bialet, Audrey Chin, Margaret Hollingsworth, Wendy Klein, Marianne Larsen, Marion Leeper, Krystyna Lenkowska, Althea Romeo Mark, Irina Mashinski, Diti Ronen, Susan Wismer

Laura Tohe   Eight Poems   (Fall, 2020)
My Soul Immense with the Millennia of Rocks and Stars: The Poetry of Laura Tohe
by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor

Eleanor Wilner   Nine Poems   (Spring, 2020)
Introduction: Cynthia Hogue, The Necessity of Witness: On the Poetry of Eleanor Wilner


No Immigrants, No Art   (Spring, 2018)

Greta Berman  Synesthesia: The Involuntary Joining of the Senses   (Spring, 2019)

Betty Blayton-Taylor  Spiritual Artist, Spirited Educator   (Summer, 2015)

Lorraine Bonner   Sculpture   (Fall, 2008)
Introduction: Yasmin Sayyed, Introduction to Lorraine Bonner

Isabelle de Borchgrave  Haute Couture de Papier   (Summer, 2014)

Rose Cabat  Touchie Feelies   (Fall, 2014)

Rose Cabat  Touchie Feelies Redux   (Winter, 2021)

Elizabeth Catlett  Recent Prints   (Fall, 2010)

Judy Chicago   Hands in Glass   (Spring, 2009)

Marion Coleman   African American History and Culture in Story Quilts   (Fall, 2017)

Jane Dickson   Revelers   (Spring, 2017)

Shirley Faktor  Paintings: The Cyclical Nature of Life   (Summer, 2011)

Patricia Tobacco Forrester   Eleven Watercolors   (Summer, 2010)

Sally Frank   Visual Memories   (Fall, 2016)

Suvan Geer   Shall Remain Nameless   (Winter, 2014)

Janet Goldner   Art and Life   (Summer, 2013)

Liliana Golubinsky   Playful in Buenos Aires   (Summer, 2020)

Grace Graupe-Pillard   Art as Dialectic   (Spring, 2021)
Introduction: Greta Berman, Art Editor, The Dialectical Art of Grace Graupe-Pillard

Howardena Pindell   An Intersectional Artist Before the Fact   (Summer, 2021)
Introduction: Greta Berman, Art Editor

Robin Gross   Photographing Passion   (Fall, 2015)

Guerrilla Girls   Art as Activism   (Spring, 2014)

Nancy Hagin   Sumptuous Realist   (Spring, 2015)

Ester Hernandez   A Visual Dialogue   (Spring, 2011)

Sheila Hicks     The Grande Dame of Textile Art   (Fall, 2012)

Nicole Hollander  Sylvia Cartoon Strips   (Winter, 2007)
Introduction: Judith Arcana, Laughing and Thinking at the Same Time

Yvonne Jacquette  Views from the Heavens   (Spring, 2016)
Introduction by Gena Raps

Women in Bronze (and Copper)   (Fall, 2020)
Introduction by Sue Leonard, Editor

Abbe Stahl Steinglass and Harriet W. Lesser  The Third Artist: Painting in Collaboration   (Winter, 2013)

Ellen K. Levy  Stealing Attention   (Spring, 2013)

Elaine Lorenz Seedpods: The Future?   (Winter, 2018)

Hung Liu  Then and Now: Paintings and Installations   (Winter, 2010)

Yolanda López   Women’s Work is Never Done   (Summer, 2009)

Melanie Manchot   Photography   (Spring, 2007)

Henrietta Mantooth   Paintings and Installations   (Winter, 2008)
Introduction: Mary Frank, A Risk-Taking Artist

Janice Mehlman   Photographs: Sensory Allusions and Intimate Truths   (Spring, 2020)

Valerie Mendelson   Painter   (Winter, 2020)

Rita Mendes-Flohr   Gorges From Within   (Summer, 2016)

Marybeth McKenzie   Contemporary Realism   (Winter, 2014)

Kate Missett   Canopic Jars   (Fall, 2018)

Irmari Nacht   Saved Books   (Summer, 2018)

Nobuho Nagasawa   Weaving     Light     Sound     Bodywaves   (Summer, 2016)

Mayumi Oda   Ten Images   (Summer, 2008)
Introduction: Lane Olson, Images of the Floating World

Alicia Ostriker   Poems from the Volcano and After: Selected and New Poems, 2002-2019   (Spring, 2021)
Introduction: Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor, Making Beauty Like That: On the Poetry of Alicia Ostriker

Judy Pfaff   Sculptural Paintings   (Winter, 2010)

Gail Postal   Fantasy Life   (Fall, 2013)

Faith Ringgold   Visual Art   (Summer, 2007)
Introduction: Moira Roth, About Faith Ringgold

Dorothea Rockburne   Geometry, Astronomy and Angels   (Summer, 2012)

Joan Roth   Photographs of Centenarians   (Spring, 2010)

Eleanor Rubin Dreams of Repair: A Decade of Images   (Winter, 2011-12)

Alison Saar Alison Saar Swings Low in Harlem: The Harriet Tubman Memorial   (Spring, 2017)

Joyce J. Scott   Beading for Her Life   (Winter, 2015)

Susan Schwalb   A Contemporary “Old Master”   (Fall, 2021)
Introduction by Greta Berman, Art Editor

Nilima Sheikh   Delectable Art for Every Day   (Summer, 2016)

Kathran Siegel   Carving a Life   (Summer, 2016)

Regina Silveira   Perspectives   (Spring, 2012)

Ellen Nathan Singer   Honoring Immigrants   (Spring, 2018)

Marcia Smilack   A Reflectionist   (Spring, 2019)

Jaune Quick-to-See Smith   Poetry in Painting   (Winter, 2016)

Mimi Smith   Being Female in Society   (Fall, 2015)

Joan Snyder   Paintings   (Spring, 2008)
Introduction: Cornelia Schulz, Contemplating the Work of Joan Snyder

Wilda Gerideau Squires   Photography as Abstract: Fourteen Images   (Fall, 2011)

Elise F. Stanley   Wildlife Glimpses   (Winter, 2019)

May Stevens   Paintings   (Fall, 2009)

Jenny Tango   Jenny Tango Is Still Painting Herself   (Summer, 2019)

Susan Unterberg   Behind the Mask   (Spring, 2013)

Kay WalkingStick   This Is Our Beloved Land   (Summer, 2016)

Ellen Wiener Book as Art, Art as Book (Winter, 2017)

Flo Oy Wong   Art Installations   (Fall, 2007)
Introduction: Melanie Herzog, On Voice and Memory

Nancy Worthington   Art, Play, and Politics   (Winter, 2022)
Introduction to Nancy Worthington, by Greta Berman, Art Editor

Millicent Young Sculptor (Fall, 2019)


Joy Krauthammer   Persimmon Drying   (Spring, 2012)

Short Takes

First Thing in the Morning   (Summer, 2010)
Helene Constant, Karen Dale, Joanne Eddy, Estelle Glass, Kathryn Jens, Georgia Post, Patricia Sullivan, Hilda Wales

Thrills   (Winter, 2010)
Marty Carlock, Lynne Davis, Constance Garcia-Barrio, Linda Gartz, Celia Miles, Natalie Safir, and Carol Walkner

Taking a Stand   (Summer, 2011)
Ingrid Briles, Maril Crabtree, Deborah Nedelman, Marti Watterman, Marianne Goldsmith, Mary Ellen Michna

The Next Step   (Winter, 2011-12)
Terri Watrous Berry, Jill Cook, Misha Herwin, Deborah Jordan, Martha Mendelsohn, Mary Kay Schoen, Margaret Miller Volpe, Linda A. Wright

Milestones   (Summer, 2012)
Sylvia Gutmann, Mary Izzo, Laura T. Jensen, Carolyn Litwin, Ruth Pike, Ann St James, Annita Sawyer

Sports   (Fall, 2012)
Nan Hilsinger, Ann Neuser Lederer, Carolyn Meagher, Lola Ready, Marjorie Sell Stewart, Ann St James

Gossip   (Winter, 2013)
Jo Barney, Joan Cappello, Beatrice G. Davis, Phyllis Douglas, Phyllis Jean Green, Pamela Manché Pearce, Lita E. Plopinio

Guilty Pleasures   (Spring, 2013)
Grace Babakhanian, Mary A. Berger, Rochelle Distelheim

Money   (Summer, 2013)
Penny Hackett-Evans, Priscilla Tilley, Madelyn F. Young, Ruth Codier Resch, Ann Batchelor Hursey, Robyn Marshall

Sex    (Fall, 2013)
Marilyn A. Gelman, Lynne Sparrow, Norma Smith, Jo Barney, Sb Sowbel, Lauren Shenfield, Hannah Louise Abbett, Carolyn Lee Arnold

Jewelry    (Winter, 2014)
Lois Baer Barr, Sunny Glessner, Ann Batchelor Hursey, Carolyn Meagher, Barbara Rockman

Prose [Activism]    (Spring, 2014)
Phyllis Berentsen, Joanna Mary Bressler, Michael angel Johnson, Karen Keltz, Barbara Milgrom Melrose, Niomi Rohn Phillips

Poetry [Activism]    (Spring, 2014)
Margo Berdeshevsky, Elizabeth J. Coleman, Jacqueline Kudler

Summer    (Summer, 2014)
Sue Ellis, Lisa Holzkenner, Debby Mayer, Glenda Munson, Lynne Sparrow

Still Working    (Fall, 2014)
Estelle Glass, Mary Martha Lappe, Ronna Magy, Elaine G. Schwartz

Social Media    (Winter, 2015)
Edith Lank, Judie Rae, Barbara Schramm, Priscilla Tilley, Elizabeth Zimmer

Boiling Points    (Spring, 2015)
Carla Fellers, Edith Lank, Nan Mick, Jean Zorn

Shoes    (Summer, 2015)
Juanita Kirton, Grace Mattern, Niomi Phillips, Norma S. Tucker. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

On Wheels    (Fall, 2015)
Kavanaugh, Ronna Magy, Debbie L. Miller, Beverly Offen. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

Presents    (Winter, 2016)
Adina Sara, Linda Silver, Elaine Terranova, Elizabeth Van Zandt. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

A Birth Story    (Spring, 2016)
Annis Cassells, Bell Gale Chevigny, Diantha Hull, Robin Gross, C.S. Leonard, Rona Simmons. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

Arts & Crafts    (Summer, 2016)
Mary Ann Cook, Sharon Frame Gay, Robin Gross, Emi Hattori, Susan Hecht, Lauren Katzowitz Shenfield, Dorothy Rice. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

Politics    (Fall, 2016)
Sylvia Ramos Cruz, Sophia Kouidou-Giles, Pat Reuss, Anne Mollegen Smith. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

Advice (Winter, 2017)
Sheila Grinell, Daniela Gioseffi, Robin Gross, Beth Mills. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

Getting an Education (Spring, 2017)
Phyllis Douglas, Judy Hoyer, Judy S. Richardson, Lynne Sparrow. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

A Summer of Luscious Fruit (Summer, 2017)
Arlene Bosky, Mary Ann Cook, Judy Harding, Hilary Harper, Judy Hoyer, Joann Kielar, Merimee Moffitt, Dorty Nowak, Sylvia D. Saxon, Patti Swartz. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

Time (Fall, 2017)
Adrianne Borgia, Wanda Burch, Nancy Gerber, Robin Gross, Mardith Louisell, Patricia Pomerleau, Priscilla Tilley, Judy Wells, Connie Zumpf. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

Border Crossings (Spring, 2018)
Pat Carr, Audrey Chin, Denise David, Lakshmi Gill, Laurie Harriton, Laurie Jurs, Bernadine Lortis, Alice Marks, Lisa Saffron, Dolores Senchak, Norma S. Tucker. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

#Me Too/ Me, Too (Summer, 2018)
Susan B. Apel, Carolyn Banks, Beth Dwoskin, Laurie Kuntz, DS Levy, Lalita Noronha, Mary C. Rowin, Mary Ellen Talley. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

My Bag (Fall, 2018)
Rani Drew, Sue Fagalde Lick, Merimee Moffitt, Martina Reaves, Susan Strassburger, Norma S. Tucker, Ann Zimmerman. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, adieu (Winter, 2019)
Pamela Ahlen, Maria Espinosa, Kate Flaherty, Mary Susan Gast, Robin Gross, Mimi Jennings, Connie Kallback, Adrienne Keller, Carrie Kinsey, Carol Nadell, Alice Simpson, Monique Stampleman, Judy Swann. Introduction by Jean Zorn.

Boiling Point (Spring, 2019)
Introduction by Jean Zorn.
Janet Banks, Berta Morgan, Vivienne Popperl, Miriam Reed, Rhett Watts

Life-Changing Moments (Summer, 2019)
Introduction by Jean Zean
Connie Bedgood, Mei Joan Chung-Guyll, Robin Dellabough, gaye gambell-peterson, Jan Haag, Joan Halperin, Pamela Hartmann, Aurora Lewis, Rosie Sugden, Mary Whetstone

Mourning (Fall, 2019)
Introduction by Jean Zean
Helen Beer, Bindy Bitterman, Denise L. David, Katharine Harer, Ann E. Hultberg, Peggy Landsman, Victoria Lewis, Janet Merritt, Maureen Teresa McCarthy, Kathleen Naureckas, Judie Rae, Kathleen Sampson, Karen Schauber, Kathy Steinemann, Gayle Ann Weinstein

Gift/ Giving (Winter, 2020)
Introduction by Jean Zean
Kim Burnett, Adele Glimm, Joan Halperin, Joan Kresich, Charlene Neely, Beverly Stock, Sue Won

When I Was 17… (Spring, 2020)
Introduction by Jean Zean
Lois Barr, Kathleen Canrinus, Dorothy Egan-Keating, Phyllis Ferguson, Babo Kamel, Shirley Muir, Jane P. Perry, Linda M. Scott, Edna Wallace, Ariela Zucker

Election Stories (Summer, 2020)
Introduction by Jean Zean
Becky Boling, Judith Emilie, Susan Emshwiller, Meredith Escudier, Diane Freedman, Leslie Neustadt, Joyce R. Ritchie, Paula Rudnick, Anne-Marie Sutton

Justice (Fall, 2020)
Introduction by Jean Zean
Frances Payne Adler, Subhaga Crystal Bacon, Liz Betz ,Jane Desmond, Joanne Kennedy Frazer, Susan Lundgren, Pit Pinegar, Janet Preus, Ellen K. Reichman, Vera Kewes Salter, Judy Wells, Ellen Woods

Random Acts of Kindness (Winter, 2021)
Christina Buckton, Judith Emilie, Cynthia Good, Elise Kazanjian, Rochelle Linick, Lalita Noronha, Mary Robertson, Sivakami Velliangiri, Ariela Zucker
Introduction by Jean Zorn
Music by Patti Casey

Light[s] at the End of the Tunnel (Spring, 2021)
Mary Ellen Capek, Cynthia Elder, Marjorie Hanft, Joanna Clapps Herman, Melissa Huff, Gurupreet K. Khalsa, Rita Salina Kiernan, Jacqueline Kudler, Angela Lombardo, Marilyn Mazur, Janet Preus, Susanna Rich, Paula Rudnick, JoAnn Sanderson, Deborah K. Shepherd, Ellen Woods
Art Work by Marjorie Hanft
Music by Carol Wincenc and Gena Raps
Introduction: So How Near the End of the Tunnel Are We? by Jean Zorn, Publisher

Heroes (Summer, 2021)
Introduction: Everyday Heroism by Jean Zorn, Publisher
Carol Biederman, Sharon J. Clark, Lynne Davis, Judith Emilie, Maryanne Hannan, Maggie Hill, Jane Joritz-Nakagawa, Clorisa Phillips, Ellen K. Reichman, Marcia Rutan, Judy Wells, Ann Weil
Art Work by Paula Schultz & by Elisabeth De Nitto
Music by Gena Raps & Carol Wincenc

Secrets (Fall, 2021)
Introduction: Secrets, Secrets, Secrets by Jean Zorn, Publisher
Paulette Benson, Rebecca Ballew Dockum, Karen L. George, Ronnie Hess, Ann Hultberg, Marilyn Johnston, Pat LaPointe, Kathleen McClung, Kathy Miller, Gloria g. Murray, Vera Kewes Salter,
JoAnn Sanderson, Roberta Schultz, Michele Sharpe, Susanne Singleton, Mary Gayle Thomas, Rosanne Trost, Gayle Ann Weinstein

Secrets (Winter, 2022)
Introduction: Family and Friends by Jean Zorn, Publisher
Sarah Barnett, Jane L. Becker, Marsha Blitzer, Ann Boaden, Paula Boyland, C. Morgan Flanders, Diane Gorman, Anke Hodenpijl, Lois Kiely, Barbara Krauss, D. L. Landi, Antonia Lewandowski, Susan Lundgren, Amy S. Melman, Dana C. Moriarty, Beth Rosen, Leah Schweitzer, Sarah Dickenson Snyder, Carol Sutherland-Brown, Judy Wells
Illustrations by Marcella Peralta Simon
Music performed by Gena Raps and Carol Wincenc


Tania León, In Motion
Saluting Our Pulitzer Prize Winner, by Gena Raps, Music Editor

What We’re Reading

Short Reviews (Issue 2)
Sandy Boucher, Sandra Butler, Rosie Rosenzweig, Sandra Shwagner Sanchez, Ellen Siegelman

Short Reviews (Issue 3)
Judith Arcana, Anita Barrows, Marcia Freedman, and Jane Lazarre

Short Reviews (Issue 4)
Alice Herb, Martha Roth, Nan Fink Gefen

Short Reviews (Issue 5)
E.M. Broner, Judy Gumbo Albert

Editor’s Notes

Issue 2, Summer 2007, Nan Gefen

Issue 3, Fall 2007, Nan Gefen

Issue 4, Winter 2008, Nan Gefen

Issue 5, Spring 2008, Nan Gefen

Issue 6, Summer 2008, Nan Gefen

Issue 7, Fall 2008, Nan Gefen

Issue 8, Winter 2009, Nan Gefen

Issue 9, Spring 2009, Nan Gefen

Issue 10, Summer 2009, Nan Gefen

Issue 11, Fall 2009, Nan Gefen

Issue 12, Winter 2010, Nan Gefen

Issue 13, Spring 2010, Nan Gefen

Issue 14, Summer 2010, Nan Gefen

Issue 16, Winter 2011, Nan Gefen

Issue 17, Spring 2011, Nan Gefen

Issue 18, Summer 2011, Nan Gefen

Issue 19, Fall 2011, Nan Gefen

Issue 20, Winter 2012, Nan Gefen

Issue 21, Spring 2012, Nan Gefen

Issue 22, Summer 2012, Sue Leonard

Issue 23, Fall 2012, Sue Leonard

Issue 24, Winter 2013, Sue Leonard

Issue 25, Spring 2013, Sue Leonard

Issue 26, Summer 2013, Sue Leonard

Issue 27, Fall 2013, Sue Leonard

Issue 28, Winter 2014, Sue Leonard

Issue 29, Spring 2014, Sue Leonard

Issue 30, Summer 2014, Sue Leonard

Issue 31, Fall 2014, Sue Leonard

Issue 32, Winter 2015, Sue Leonard

Issue 33, Spring 2015, Sue Leonard

Issue 34, Summer 2015, Sue Leonard

Issue 35, Fall 2015, Sue Leonard

Issue 36, Winter 2016, Sue Leonard

Issue 37, Spring 2016, Sue Leonard

Issue 38, Summer 2016, Sue Leonard

Issue 39, Fall 2016, Sue Leonard

Issue 40, Winter, 2017: “Happy and Comfortable” Is a Horrible Myth, Christine Stewart, Jean Zorn

Issue 41, Spring 2017, Sue Leonard

Issue 42, Summer 2017, Sue Leonard

Issue 43, Fall 2017, Sue Leonard

Issue 44, Winter 2018, Sue Leonard

Issue 45, Spring 2018, Sue Leonard

Issue 46, Summer 2018, Sue Leonard

Issue 47, Fall 2018, Sue Leonard

Issue 48, Winter 2019, Sue Leonard

Issue 49, Spring 2019, Sue Leonard

Issue 50, Summer 2019, Sue Leonard

Issue 51, Fall 2019, “Knowing Toni Morrison” Sue Leonard

Issue 52, Winter 2020, “Gloria Says…” Sue Leonard

Issue 53, Spring 2020, “Variety” Sue Leonard

Issue 54, Summer 2020, “Enough!” Sue Leonard

Issue 55, Fall 2020, “Turn it All Around” Sue Leonard

Issue 56, Winter 2021, “Seriously” Sue Leonard

Issue 57, Spring 2021, “Heroics” Sue Leonard

Issue 58, Summer 2021, “Opening Up” Sue Leonard

Issue 59, Fall 2021, “Shutting Down” Sue Leonard

Issue 60, Winter 2022, “What’s Next?” Sue Leonard

Issue 61, Spring 2022, “Wrapping It All Up” Sue Leonard


Issue 1, Spring 2007

Issue 2, Summer 2007

Issue 3, Fall 2007

Issue 4, Winter 2008

Issue 5, Spring 2008

Issue 6, Summer 2008

Issue 7, Fall 2008

Issue 8, Winter 2009

Issue 9, Spring 2009

Issue 10, Summer 2009

Issue 11, Fall 2009

Issue 12, Winter 2010

Issue 13, Spring 2010

Issue 14, Summer 2010

Issue 15, Fall 2010

Issue 16, Winter 2011

Issue 17, Spring 2011

Issue 18, Summer 2011

Issue 19, Fall 2011

Issue 20, Winter 2012

Issue 21, Spring 2012

Issue 22, Summer 2012

Issue 23, Fall 2012

Issue 24, Winter 2013

Issue 25, Spring 2013

Issue 26, Summer 2013

Issue 27, Fall 2013

Issue 28, Winter 2014

Issue 29, Spring 2014

Issue 30, Summer 2014

Issue 31, Fall 2014

Issue 32, Winter 2015

Issue 33, Spring 2015

Issue 34, Summer 2015

Issue 35, Fall 2015

Issue 36, Winter 2016

Issue 37, Spring 2016

Issue 38, Summer 2016

Issue 39, Fall 2016

Issue 40, Winter 2017

Issue 41, Spring 2017

Issue 42, Summer 2017

Issue 43, Fall 2017

Issue 44, Winter 2018

Issue 45, Spring 2018

Issue 46, Summer 2018

Issue 47, Fall 2018

Issue 48, Winter 2019

Issue 49, Spring 2019

Issue 50, Summer 2019

Issue 51, Fall 2019

Issue 52, Winter 2020

Issue 53, Spring 2020

Issue 54, Summer 2020

Issue 55, Fall 2020

Issue 56, Winter 2021

Issue 57, Spring 2021

Issue 58, Summer 2021

Issue 59, Fall 2021

Issue 60, Winter 2022

Issue 61, Spring 2022