Immigration: Flight
Gail B. Frank, Wreckage of the Human Heart
Chellis Glendinning, How to Cross the Border
Immigration: Resettlement
Cynthia Inman Graham, Xoyatla is a Proper Noun
Niomi Rohn Phillips, An American Dream
Judy S. Richardson, Working With Refugees
Immigration: Regrets
Maria Espinosa, Catalina Mi Amor
Marie Anderson, The Liberation of Heavenly Bodies
Art and Immigrants
Ellen Nathan Singer, Honoring Immigrants
Short Takes
Crossing Borders
Pat Carr, Audrey Chin, Denise David, Lakshmi Gill, Laurie Harriton, Laurie Jurs, Bernadine Lortis, Alice Marks, Lisa Saffron, Dolores Senchak, Norma S. Tucker
Introduction by Jean Zorn.