Summer 2022

Tenpin no jū, color woodcut by Keibun Matsumura (1779-1843).
Prints and Photographs Division, Library of Congress.


Summer 2022


Anne Hosansky, The Tree Child

Jude Reese, The Third Chakra at Gate 26

Lois Spencer, Unfamiliar Places

Mary-Lou Weisman, Dating Doctors


Anne Canright, The Bridge

Lynette Blumhardt, Easily Amused

Gail B. Kent, The Bench

Sherri Wright, What is Essential — Every Single Day


Carol Steen’s Evolving Synesthetic Worldscape, by Greta Berman, Art Editor


Laurie Carney
Interview by Gena Raps, Music Editor


Poetry from the Western States
The Transformative Capacity: Introducing Kathleen Winter, by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor
Introduction to the Poets of the Western States, by Kathleen Winter, Guest Judge

Short Takes

Turning Points
Introduction: Turn, Turn, Turn, by Jean Zorn, Publisher
Prose by Kathryn Bashaar, Beverly Friend, Adele Glimm, Molly Howes, Penny Campbell, Fokkina McDonnell, Clare Simons
Poetry by Abby Caplin, Cecile Earle, Elise Kazanjian, Kathleen McClung, Angie Minkin, Christy Shepard, Ellen Gerneaux Woods
Illustrations by Karen Greenbaum-Maya
Music by Gena Raps

The Supreme Court

The Supreme Court v. American Democracy, by Margaret E. Wagner and the Editors of Persimmon Tree

From the Editor

Turn, Turn, Turn, by Margaret (Peggy) Wagner

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Issue 62, Summer 2022