Summer 2024
From the Editor
On Balance by Margaret E. Wagner
Janice Lynch Schuster, Glitter and Dust
Lois Spencer, Sea Change
Perdita Buchan, Dog Wedding
Terri Watrous Berry, Saint Natalie of the Too Soon Departed
Louise A. Dolan, Lucky Bud
Vesna Main, A Woman in a Newsagent Shop
Gerry Wilson, Tell Me Anything
Lynne Shaner, Rush Hour
Judith Fetterley, A Case of the Blues
Jane Seskin, In the Company of Others
Julie Hébert, I Can’t Close My Mouth
Elizabeth Cohen, Little Girl at the Salad Bar
Elizabeth Bird, Shaking the Family Tree: Laura’s Story
Pat Stafford, La riunione (The Reunion)
Robin Stein, Hunger
The Winners’ Circle
Winners of the Persimmon Tree Readers’ Survey Drawing
Andi Penner, Solo Pas de Deux, Nonfiction
Jane Zakrzewski, Home Front, Fiction
L. Maristatter, Valentine, Fiction
Submit your work to Persimmon Tree.
But, first, read the Submission Guidelines.
Poets of the Western States
“With Open Eyes”: On the Poetry of Andrea Carter Brown by Cynthia Hogue, Poetry Editor
The Gifts of Age and Nature by Andrea Carter Brown, Guest Poetry Editor
Poetry by Kim Addonizio, Rae Armantrout, Andrea Carter Brown, Carol V. Davis, Marsha de la O, Ann Dixon, Alice Hardesty, Jane Hilberry, Andrea Hollander, Mary Mackey, Carol Moldaw, Kathy Nelson, Patty Seyburn, Alice Templeton, Leslie Ullman, Pam Uschuk, Cindy Veach
Illustrations by Jennifer Pratt-Walter
Redux: Art by Howardena Pindell
by Greta Berman, Art Editor
Miyoko Nakaya Lotto: Teacher Extraordinaire
Presented by Gena Raps, Music Editor
Short Takes
Pockets of Joy – Introduction by Jean Zorn, Publisher
Prose and Poetry by Beth Aviv, Syd Bartman, Karina Bergen, Lisa Braxton, Catharine Clark-Sayles, Alice Duggan, Amanda Freymann, Evie Groch, Martha Ellen Johnson, Tricia Knoll, Donna Kennedy Maccherone, Nancy Owen Nelson, Linda Pollard Puner, Roberta Schultz, Marcella Simon, Helene Smith, Kathryn Taylor, windflower, Karen Zlotnick
Video by Kathy Taylor
Photographs by Merry Song
Persimmon Tree Forum
Election 2024: Discerning Truth in an Age of Disinformation
Our Readers Express Their Views
Introduction by Margaret Wagner, Editor-in-Chief
Suzanne S. Austin-Hill, The Rev’d Lyn G. Brakeman, Denise Beck-Clark, Sharon Brandon, Nancy Chek, Judy Clarence, Valerie Cullers, Martha Ellen, Marta Elva, Mary Gilliland, Marianne Goldsmith, Julia Griffin, Lisa Hewitt, Mary Hiland, Bernadette Inclan, Jacqueline Lapidus, Julie Lomoe, Elizabeth MacLeish, Susan McCabe, Carol Murphy, Deborah Schmedemann, Ellen Hirning Schmidt, Sharon Scholl, Celia Schorr, Gayle Ann Weinstein, Sharon Wood Wortman
Photographs by Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka
Special Supplement
Women En/Counter Violence
Our Readers Respond to the Call
Introduction by Margaret Wagner, Editor-in-Chief
Anonymous, Sharon Brandon, Caroline Cottom, Elaine Elinson, Amelia Diaz Ettinger, Gail B. Frank, Daniela Gioseffi, Julia Griffin, Ronnie Hess, Jo Ann Hoffman, Cynthia Hogue, Shirlee Jellum, Susan McCabe, Linda F. Piotrowski, Jude Rittenhouse, Christine Schoefer, Nancy Shiffrin, Barbara Stanton
Photographs by Merry Song
Illustrations by Linda K. Allison, Sally Buffington, gaye gambell-peterson, Cindy Waszak Geary, Phyllis Green, Elaine Croce Happnie, Danuta E. Kosk-Kosicka, Elsa Lichman, Susan Pollet, Jennifer Pratt-Walter, Judith Robinson, Carolyn Schlam, Marcella Simon, Merry Song, Davney Herriges Stahley, Nancie Warner, windflower
Submit your poetry, fiction, nonfiction, Short Takes and comments to Persimmon Tree.
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Issue 71, Summer 2024